
Seriously. I see hearts almost everywhere. And not in a completely Byron or Barrett Browning-esque way, either. Some are downright weird and/or gross. Enjoy!


Potato love is a very real thing, I’ve heard. (Thanks to J for sending this to me from across the pond!)

Someone tracked in mud in the shape of a heart. Thank you, no.


Cape Cod, seriously.


Oh, Maine. I had no idea that we were dating.


Popcorn heart!


Kind of an ’80s notebook heart on my coffee vat.


Condensation heart. Aw, leftover love.


Rad, hypercolor pavement heart.


Oh, Roma. You know I feel the same.


I love you too, Cape Cod.


Oh, Myrtle Beach. Mutual.


Cat food vomit? COME ON.


I don’t care for potatoes. But they clearly love me.


The world’s smallest sidewalk pebble heart.


Valentine’s Day lunch.


Someone really loves Cape Cod.