Hiding it from the kids with the #StreamTeam.

As a member of Netflix’s #StreamTeam, it’s my distinct honor (and extreme bragging right) to bring the streamiest streaming shows to your attention. This month, they wanna know your dirty little secret…


We’ve all done it. In places you wouldn’t expect, too.

Like the bathroom. The bedroom closet of our children. And at least one time in a play tent while pretending to nap.

And Netflix wants to hear all about it.

So to you, darling reader, I pose this only slightly embarrassing question: where have you streamed your favorite Netflix shows?The Netflix SneakI’m guilty. I’m totally guilty. There have been times when I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Phryne needed me (and I needed the last five minutes of the Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries episode). So I’ve slunk behind the couch with the iPad.

I’ve hidden the phone under a pile of unfolded towels when my kids strolled through- because sometimes you want to hear Neil deGrasse Tyson’s dulcet tones without endless requests for peanut butter or doll shoes.

And I’ve definitely flown through Daredevil in the front seat of the car. (While P.J. was driving, of course. I’m not a monster.)

So go ahead, show me yours. No judgement, here.

(Says the woman streaming Leverage under the guise of “working.”)


Other things you need to know:

Hey, Orange is the New Black comes back today. But you already knew that, right?

Chelsea– as in Handler- as in “you’re probably laughing inappropriately hard, aren’t you”- is streaming weekly like whoa.

And LEGO Friends: The Power of Friendship SEASON TWO YOU GUYS is now up as well. (Nothin’ but the pertinent info, y’all.)


And hey, wanna make sure your illicit streaming goes as fast as your alone time? (Sigh.) Netflix digs on fast.com for testing just how fast your Fuller House eps go. Thanks, Netflix!

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