Jasper’s big (tiny) Halloween #StreamTeam reveal

Disclosure: As part of Netflix’s superbly fun #StreamTeam, I get to extol the virtues of the latest and greatest in streaming content. Although I’m compensated for my work, all thoughts, opinions, and downright edible children are entirely my own.


Halloween is hard.

Not the overstimulation, the constant blocking of gory zombie displays, or even the crazy amounts of candy consumption (that part is embarrassingly easy)…

No, what’s hard is the dressing-up and going-out and keeping-on of a costume for a preschooler whose personal idea of hell is having grownups ask him questions: “What are you dressed up as, big guy?” “Are you having a fun evening?” “Why are you sobbing?” (Perhaps you caught 2014’s costume choice of Crying Don’t-Look-At-Me Duck?)

But Jasper’s starting to get trick-or-treating. The whole “I give an inch” (a half-hearted response/smile) “you give an inch” (fun-sized candy bar) at which his big sisters simply excel. And that whole shebang requires a costume.

Oh, he loves dressing up. Kinda. He’ll strip naked, wrap a scarf around one arm, tie a puppy to his foot and proclaim himself to be a dragon. Problem is, that type of costume isn’t really meant for a walkabout holiday. (Nevermind the fact that we own a fully functional dragon costume in exactly his size…) But any time we attempt to dress him up (and some days, dress him at all), will only earn an angry ISayNoSankYou.

But this year, I have a secret weapon. It’s my list of Preschooler Show Dude Names.

Bob. Jake. Julius. Thomas. George.

He won’t dress up in a traditional costume for me, but he always wants to be like Bob with his love of construction vehicles (and teamwork).

Like Jake, with his pirate swagger (and teamwork).

Like Julius, with his cardboard boxes (and teamwork).

Like Thomas, with his train-like sensibilities (and politely British teamwork).

And like George, with his monkey antics (and decided lack of teamwork).

Guess what, folks? These costumes are ridiculously easy to source, create, buy online, or- as I did- swap with a neighborhood group. Jasper and I spent days debating the merits of each and every single-monikered cartoon guy. He loved them all. ALL! So who did we go with?

May I present:


Jake…and the Neverland Pirates (not pictured).

Now, as soon as somebody assures me that this red bandana isn’t gang-like in the slightest (as my ideal level of “gang chic” hovers somewhere around “for the love of God, no”), I’ll start working on the other two’s costumes.

Think either of them would go for George?


Need more inspiration? Check out these beyond-adorable (and crafty as heck) costume ideas, inspired by your kids’ favorite characters. (Who needs candy with all this sweetness?)


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