24 things which are real this week

24 things which are real this week

  1. I have the coolest 7 year-old in the history of children.
  2. (Her actual birthday choices included, among other things, an hour at the Art Institute, LEGOs, and at least three chapters of Encyclopedia Brown.)
  3. P.J. and I have a 7 year-old now.
  4. Halloween a mere two days after a birthday is heck on the system.
  5. Anti-inflammatory drugs are not nearly as much fun as narcotics.
  6. It’s possible to nap for three hours and still feel exhausted.
  7. It’s also possible to give more blood to labs than you believe you actually possess in your system.
  8. No, they don’t give out stickers to 36 year-olds, no matter how brave of a face you had on as you scrolled Instagram to avoid viewing the needle.
  9. Nora doesn’t like Skittles.
  11. (Suzy likes Skittles.)
  12. Mama likes her bourbon neat and her Starburst pink.
  13. Our neighbors are fantastic, both the ones with whom we Trick-or-Treat, and the ones who host us for dinner and drinks and wonderfulness. (A.k.a. Grownup Trick-or-Treat.)
  14. If you tell your friends that, for Halloween, you’re dressed up as a tired Mama cat, the really good ones will tell you that you’re the best tired Mama cat who’s ever done Halloween in Irving Park, Chicago. jasper-keely-halloween
  15. My kids fully believe in the candy fairy, aka the Switch Witch, who brings toys to swap for all that sugar loot.
  16. P.J. and I are not so good at believing in the Switch Witch.
  17. A candy hangover is a very real thing.
  18. A Cubs World Series Win a mere two days after Halloween is heck on the system.
  19. (A city-wide hangover hangover is a very real thing.)
  21. A neighbor of ours decided that his contribution to the festivities was to keep walking out to the street every seven minutes and setting off his car alarm. Like, on purpose. Like, for funsies.
  22. And lest you think I’m some sort of sportsy-hating wet blanket, I definitely was among the hordes of neighbors hanging out of bedroom windows and waving at pedestrians like Truman had just announced the boys were coming home.
  23. Evanston, Illinois, set off their air raid siren for the first time since 1959 to celebrate the Cubbies, so maybe I’m not alone in this throwback nostalgia feelin’.
  24. #gocubsgo

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