What I know to be true today: January 26th, 2017

OhmyGAWD it’s been a week, hasn’t it?

(What do you mean, it’s only Thursday? …That’s cool. I thought it was Tuesday for at least three hours this morning.)

In a week like this (in a month like this, in a year like this, in an election cycle and subsequent four years like this), it’s good to check in with myself (and others) on what I know to be true today.

Here’s what I know to be true today:

Chicago is, after fourteen years, still a place that fills me with pride, from its unbudging stance of remaining a sanctuary city, its continuously wonderful citizens, and the way we all keep Showing Up for things. Rallies, marches, donations, volunteerism, helping friends in need, and so on and so forth and forever and ever Amen. It’s a good place to be in, knowing that your home exists in a good place.

Remember how I said I was going to read 75 books this year? Between the occasionally unwise internet vigilance and the everythingelsethatneedstogetdone, I find myself in dire need of escapism. I AM WELL ON MY WAY TO THOSE 75 BOOKS. (I’m currently in love with an Agatha Christie behemoth of a volume, featuring four insanely great detectives and even more insanely great short stories. Feeling stabby? Reading about actual- Britishly cheerful!- stabbings helps quite a bit.)

My husband makes alarmingly good kale chips. And yes, that might be the bougiest thing I’ve ever typed (unless you consider that the decidedly non-organic kale came from the corner bodega for 99 cents a bunch), but in my times of inflammation-fighting dieting, I need anything that passes for junk food. This more than passes muster. They’re a) absolute perfection, crispy-wise and b), a surprising skill to discover one’s spouse has. Keep the magic alive, yo.

Jasper asked if I’d hold him like a baby yesterday. And even though his legs drape waaay far over the side of the rocking chair these days and even though his baby softness is making way for Little Boy boniness, I will always, always say yes to this. Between that and taking extra moments to kiss my children and squeeze their tiny backs and smell their scalps (is this weird?), I’ve created a calming sort of child-dorphins for myself.

Kid snuggles

People are good. People are so good. I know this. I knowthisIknowthisIknowthis.

Now, all I need to do is keep on acknowledging this, proving this, and inspiring this.



  1. after you get through the Christie's, check out Her Royal Spyness series, by Rhys Bowen. The heroine is a very broke, very distant heir to the throne in the twenties, who just happens to keep stumbling upon bodies. It's all delicious and British and wonderful!
    p.s. people ARE good! xoxo

  2. juliecgardner says:

    Onward, indeed.
    You're kind of my hero.

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