Hey, gang, let’s put on a show! (With Netflix & the #StreamTeam)

Disclosure: As a member of Netflix’s Stream Team, I get to have a stupid amount of fun and pretend it’s all for the children. Although I’m compensated, all thoughts, opinions, and felt creations are entirely my own. (Okay, fine, the kids helped.)



Remember back in the day, back when Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland, et.al were all about Putting On A Show? (I’m not saying it’s back in MY day, but it’s definitely in my mental Filofax of cultural nostalgia.) All they- and we- needed was a place to rehearse and a spot to shove the paying audience.

Nora and Susannah aspire to this level of on-a-whim theatrical extravaganza (and one thousand percent do not understand why the entire neighborhood doesn’t file in to sit criss-cross-applesauce on our living room rug to watch them dance to Springsteen’s ‘Dancing in the Dark’- in a fully darkened room).

SO. When our good friends at Netflix offered them the chance to create a performance with their favorite characters as puppets, they agreed quicker than you can say “glue gun.”


Have you seen the new Julie Andrews show Julie’s Greenroom? The Netflix original series features the incomparable Andrews, a rotating list of A-list actors and Broadway stars, and a cast of brand new puppets created by the Jim Henson company. It’s marvelous. We tried our hand at making Peri, the star/diva-in-training. (And can I just say that I’ve fully acknowledged my strength as a parent? It’s not speaking in patient tones. It’s not creating lunchbox art. It’s making puppets. I can do that junk alllll daaaaay.)

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We also made Walter from Beat Bugs– a personal favorite of mine- and the adorable Kip from Word Party.

Yes, children, I am available for parties.

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The project supplies also included tiny journals for the kids to craft characters, settings, narratives, and dialogue. That, alongside the Official Director Gear, ensured we had 1000% of Nora’s attention. (Suzy heard “solo performance” and was fully onboard.)

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So what did they create?

May I present: The Three Friends, written and directed by Nora, starring Susannah, and- if you look closely at Nora’s director clapboard- featuring Mom’s camera. (Thanks for the love, guys.)

Pro-tip: You’re going to want to watch all the way to the end for this one.

Now, I’m not saying that it’s Citizen Kane…but I’m not saying that it’s not. (Also, it’s just over a minute and a half. Take that, Rosebud.)

Also, you’ll note that Nora is wearing pajamas in this piece. I asked her if she wanted to get dressed up for, you know, the filming- she replied that Suzy was the star, and she could work just fine in her cozies.

(How Hollywood.)

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