The issues: Cats, walkouts, and pain pills

So, the issues:

I’m fairly resentful of this administration for many, many things, but topping the list today is the overwhelming feeling that posting/liking/thinking about fluffy, fun things isn’t quite as acceptable during weeks where there are shootings/nationwide protests/general unrest. (<—You know, like every week.) And sometimes I want to post about fluffy, fun things and not feel like I’m turning a blind eye to the hordes of issues demanding near-constant attention. Especially when…

Today is our cats’ 14th birthdays.

Those of you playing along at home (and sometimes even in my home) know that Ender and Bean have transcended sci-fi monikered house cats to become fully fledged family members with their own urban legend-esque tales. (Guys, guys, remember when Ender did a backflip into the living room during a party and ate a fly in midair? It happened, it was glorious, and we haven’t stopped gushing about it at parties since.)

Well, they’ve long passed the age where acrobatics are expected (or even a ton of wakeitude during daylight hours), but they’re so loved. And so- mostly- appreciated. Bean has been the fluffy-faced, slightly confused welcome wagon to bunches of guests (mostly because he doesn’t know enough to have a healthy fear of newcomers and thus will let anyone and anything pet him), and Ender has sat (lain?) sentry beside my three gigantic pregnant bellies, facing outwards to protect me from unknown forces/ghosts.

issues guns cats sick

And even though they totally didn’t sign on for three tiny children in four short years (nor a kitten who, frankly, surprised us all), they haven’t yet run away from home. I thank you, patient soldiers.

Enjoy your canned tuna and the birthday hats that Jasper has excitedly determined you are to wear.


Meanwhile, around the world…

To all of the students who walked out of school yesterday in solidarity and protest of the gun reform we need to see, I salute you wholeheartedly. (And yes, I agree that segueing from my geriatric cats’ milestones to a protest regarding gun violence is strange at best, but listen: if I don’t get to choose how my anxious 4am brain processes and relays information, then neither do you.)

ANYWAY. I can only imagine one possible reason why folks would be against these walkouts. And it’s fear. But, frankly, they should be afraid. After years and years (and years) of allowing lax practices to take place (while lining the pockets of all the wrong people), and simultaneously mocking Millennials and subsequent generations for their lack of drive and awareness of how the world works…younger peeps are now revving themselves up to change that world, and make it safer for the kids who come after them. (Which is pretty much what we should’ve been doing the whole time without quite so much pushback.)

Here’s the best part: those “kids” are hovering right around 18 years of age. And they’ll vote. And they’ll win. And they’ll effect change on so many fronts and issues and generations. Scary, huh?

And finally:

Someday I won’t have chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia determining the output of my days and nights. I believe that. (I have to believe that.) Soonsoonsoon it’ll be actual Spring in Chicago and my body won’t hurt due to plummeting temperatures. Someday I’ll have an entire day without back to back to back to back hours of nerve and joint and muscle pain.

But until that day happens, I either have to dose and dose myself with drugs that a) destroy my stomach and b) don’t really take away all of the pain- not really- or say no to more things.

And I’ve been saying no to more things.

I cleared out an entire email inbox by literally selecting “all” and deleting. (And then I took a nap.) I let Jasper watch two movies back to back (while I slept through the second one). I’ve been ordering takeout more. The other day, my pain level was gross and I spent the morning in bed just reading (and, okay, napping).

So maybe I’m actually saying yes to more things; namely one more thing. Namely, me.

That, at least, feels pretty good.

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