39 and feeling good and indulgent birthday posts

39. Good gracious. There’s something so self-indulgent about a birthday blog post, isn’t there? Thanks for indulging my self-indulgence. Today, I am 39. Thirty nine. That’s…a number right there. (Special note to friends and family over the age of 39: Thanks in advance for not smacking me upside the head. Because I’m gonna talk about it a little bit longer.) Because 39. It feels heavy. Like, your parents are 39, right? (Except they’re totally not; they’re most likely 50 and {Read More}

4 terrific ‘something they want, something they need’ picks for the littles!

Disclosure: Thank you to this month’s sponsors for making our holiday oh-so merry and bright with our “something…” roundup! Although I’m compensated, all thoughts, opinions, and thoroughly stoked children are entirely my own. *** It’s always a little tricky to balance the intake of goods with the output of, you know, doing good during the holidays. That’s why I’m so, so happy to present Lollygag Blog’s guide of “something they want, something they need, something to wear, and something to {Read More}

6 ways to do more on Black Friday

Black Friday and beyond Happy Black Friday, everyone! Ready to do more? Today kicks off a huge shopping weekend which steamrolls into Cyber Monday…and then Giving Tuesday! With all of the opportunities to buy, I was thinking of ways to do things like, you know, give back…reduce waste…teach some good ol’ fashioned values to my Google-at-their-fingertips kiddos… And then Suzy totally schooled me. The kids’ elementary school is in the midst of a holiday toy drive and the girls asked {Read More}

Speaking up and helping out.

In the hopes of sharing things “outside of my bubble,” I’m posting what I wrote yesterday on Facebook right here. Not because my voice is so terribly important and not because I have a pressing need to make the various crises in the world about my particular path, but because vigilance against injustice ain’t really a pick n’ choose kind of thing. Plus, speaking up paves the way for real, actualized results. Like the hate-filled Daily Stormer website having its {Read More}

Want to help Syrian refugee babies? Do this.

I’ve been looking at baby pictures lately. This isn’t wholly unusual, but it definitely ramps up as we hit new milestones (lost teeth!) or fall back on old frustrations (remember when sucking her thumb was cute?) or, really, any time I have feelings about life and love and loss and worry. Like I said, I’ve been looking at baby pictures lately. I delivered all three of my babies in a wonderful hospital in a major city with a skilled surgeon {Read More}

Signing off, sending love, sharing ideas

Oh, loves, it has been a YEAR. Since I’m in a share-y kinda mood, here’s this great piece I read the other day. You know how (many, many, many) of you feel like this was an utterly write-off-able year? Here’s the awesome thing: It actually was moderately/pretty close to wonderfully wonderful. Want to keep it that way for 2017 and check off some last-minute gifts at the very same time? Donate here: To help the people of Syria, the Red {Read More}

Why (and how to) help refugees.

It’s hard to escape the images of stricken, suffering Syrian families awaiting safe passage to…well, anywhere, really. (12.2 million Syrians- 5.6 million of whom are children. Million.) And I get it: there are so many people facing so much awful right now, you might be having trouble processing who (or where) gets top billing in the brain game called grief/rage/anxiety/rinse/repeat. And that’s okay. That’s legit. What’s not legit, however, is sitting quietly by while innocent victims are denied basic human rights {Read More}