We Opened The Vault.

Due to the fact that I’m vacation, being plied with various liquors, and have nothing original to say, here’s an oldie but goodie from July of 2008.  Nothing has changed in the least. (However, apologies for my formatting issues. Maybe it’s because of some weird Time Cop issue.) Enjoy. This is the closest I came to standing still. Seeing Boston in concert was truly a religious experience. Sure, I’m a Catholic and I go to mass and all that…but I can also {Read More}

And Now…We Sleep.

There is so much. There is always so much. Will you remind me of this in the dark days of early Chicago March when I want to chew my own face off with stir-craziness/no one returns my phone calls? (I had never previously believed those two items to be related. I now see the error of my ways.) The last handful of days can be broken down into three very specific events: We’re not leaving, are we? End O’ The Cape {Read More}

Just Beachy.

I am still on vacation. And it is great. Despite monsoon-like rainstorms for the first two days and near frozen bedroom conditions (due to a super eager a/c system and more than one family member with a predilection towards extreme body temps), we’ve had a stellar time. And so have my Mom and Dad and sister and her husband and their three kids and my sister and her boyfriend and her friend and my sister and her friend (and various {Read More}

Schoenies Go East

On vacay. Back soon. Havin’ a great time. No, really. Love, The Guy Getting Up With The Toddler Each A.M., The Bitsy Who Is Not Sure About Those “Tides,” and The Gal Who Leaves No Food On Trays.


That’s like ‘bereft,’ but with less syllables and more f’s. Which makes it more powerful, obviously. Also- the iPhone and I are having words about things that are not actually words. (“Beets? Beef?” “No- brefft.” “But that’s not real!” “I know.” “IT HAS TO BE A REAL WORD.”) Anyway, back to brefft. ‘Cause I am. Last night, in the swelty Chicago heat, as I showered off the near 12 hours of planes, trains and automobiles- and then stepped into a {Read More}

Total amount of sun= two hours. So far.

I am heading down the steps to the beach in a few minutes. For the first time- in direct sunlight- on this vacation. Sure, you say, an overcast patch in your Cape Cod wonderland? Poor things. Except. It has been positively Noviembre in general amount of clothiness and blanketude. Non-stop sheets of rain. Temps hovering around 60 degrees- if not lower. No sun-kissed naps here…you know, the kind where you awaken with glowy skin and sparkly mermaid hair? (I know {Read More}

And Peej may or may not have sunken a dinghy.

It is currently a balmy 63 degrees in Cape Cod. This is strange for so many reasons:a) We are at the beach. It should be well over 100 degrees.b) All summer long- in Chicago, mind you- it’s been well over 100 degrees.c) I only packed halter tops. For Nora. That said, our digs this week are a stunning “cottage” with three floors of window seats, wraparound porches and mind-boggling amounts of alcohol. Even more mind-boggling is how quickly the supply {Read More}

Better than what it usually smells like.

For one brief moment, even before I opened my eyes, I thought I was at the beach. Sure, it was 6am in muggy, slightly overcast Chicago- but the air had that heavy beach quality. Nora clearly felt it, too. That’s why, when she joined me in bed, she fell back to sleep. The sea air does that. All morning long, even as I looked into my backyard and peeked around to Kedzie (most definitely not the bastion of seaside quietude), I could {Read More}