Uh, hi March.

Whoops. So, um, been a tad busy with a li’l project or two I’ll reveal shortly. But in the meantime- travel/writing/more travel/more (but unfortunately, of lesser quality) writing/and some meetings. Two weekends ago Peej and I went to Cincy and had a great Subway experience on the way through the state of Indiana (the chain restaurant, I mean- I don’t believe Indiana has a transit system. I could be dead wrong) wherein we, due to the Lenten Season, ordered non-meat {Read More}

My B.

That’s what my brother-in-law Tom says when he does something wrong. My B. It’s almost like saying “my bad” is gonna take up too much time; let’s just lock & load and fix this thing. My B.  Anyhow, I’m terribly sorry for being such a lax blogger. My [B]B.  Posting is the only thing I’ve let slide in the recent rush of deadlines and activities…except maybe advanced personal grooming. (Is that an acceptable use? You know, when people are mucca {Read More}