But Who Will Prepare My Latte?

Going A’Work.

We have had non-stop staff here at Chez Schoeny. And it’s been great. Crazy and [slightly] hard to get used to [initially], but great.

My Mom flew in the Sunday before Susannah’s birthday. She quickly set the kitchen to her order, all the better to stock the freezer with pans, Tupperwares, and Ziploc baggies full of our (okay, mostly mine- but Peej is NOT complaining) favorite foods. Also, there is no laundry hanging out anywhere in our bedrooms or bathrooms. I once saw the woman do a load of laundry with three items. Plus, she got the task of Nora-wranglin’ while we jaunted off to have Suzy.

My Dad fixed and built things all over the house, including an incredibly impressive revamp of our laundry/work room. Like, one can now walk into the room and do laundry and/or work. Shelving, storage, and work benches, oh my! This room is also the home of P.J.’s new tool chest. It’s an early birthday present from the Flynn side of the fam, and it’s the manliest of manly accoutrements. (My Dad went to go heft that thing home, too.)

Bethany came over yesterday, right as my Mom was cabbing it to Midway- and a good thing, too. My Mom and I, while both extremely in touch with our weepy sides, are extraordinarily hesitant to do so in front of “company.” (Even though B has a) seen me cry, and b) napped with me.) Thusly, my Mom leaving me forever to flounder in new Mommyhood was not as tragic as it could have been. Bethany followed up this gem by promptly making me a snack, tucking me into the couch with Susannah for a nap, and proceeding to play “restaurant” with Nora for close to an hour. Did I mention that she also brought piping hot lasagna, salad and rosemary bread for supper? (Bethany For Mayor.)

And late last night, my big sis Kate arrived via O’Hare- just in time for my late night lasagna snack. She’s spent the a.m. chasing down N.J., dealing with some seriously serious diapers, snuggling Suzy, and giving us presents. There’s also talk of taking someone out in the jog stroller if the rain lets up. (I don’t know if she means me or the Biggie Bug, but either way- it sounds just lovely.)

This weekend will herald in the Week O’ Schoenys, as my in-laws will take charge once Kate leaves…but I’m a little worried what will happen once my built-in staff takes their well-earned rests in the own homesteads. Am I going to have to do laundry? The dishes? Diapers? Who will hold my children when I shower?

Okay, that’ll be the first thing to go.

We’ll be just fine. And I’ll start to be more hands-on with housework, et. al really, really soon.

Maybe after my nap.



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