Keely Rants At Her Kid’s Clothing.

Resting up.

So, Nora has this shirt. It’s a hand-me-down, as we’re lucky enough to have most of her clothing be. It’s short-sleeved, and features gold scrolling writing that spells out:

“Where’s My Prince Charming?”

And for some reason (that I couldn’t put my finger upon until today) this passively phrased tee bothered me. Now, don’t get me wrong. I love princes and princesses. Dollhouses. Fairies n’ mermaids n’ trolls n’ dressing up. I love makeup and crowns. Disney movies. Happily ever afters.

But now I’ve realized why it bothers me. (And I’ll address my answer directly to my daughters):

1. Nora, Susannah, listen up. You don’t necessarily need someone (prince, charming, or otherwise) to come get you and complete your story. There are many, many adventures out there. On some, you’ll want companionship. On others, you might want to go it alone. That’s totally great, too. (As long as you check in with your mother.)

2. In the short time that I’ve known both of you, it’s left very little doubt in my mind that you’ll never really need to ask that scrolled question aloud.

3. And finally, if and when you decide that you do need a Prince Charming (or Princess Charmingette, it really makes no difference to your Dad and me as long as this Royal treats you with respect and makes you wildly happy- and coming from money wouldn’t hurt our feelings, either)…if and when this becomes a necessity…don’t just sit around waiting for him to come fetch you.

Go find him yourself.



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