Ten Years Old! Plus Twenty Two!

In honor of my own birthday, I’d like to revisit a stellar Birthday Past. Join me, won’t you? 
This is my tenth birthday. June 6th, 1990.
There are so many things that I love about these two photos:
I had a serious love for cropped tops/wearing cute outfits way past their intended levels of appropriateness. However, at the moment that this photo was being taken, I knew for a fact that I looked incredible. (And a kind Thank You to my friend Angela for ensuring that my sister Chelly did not ruin everything. Although you can totally see that Emma was ready to make some sort of move towards the cupcakes.) There is a flower in a Clearly Canadian bottle. I’m donning a neon orange scrunchie. My Dad has a “concern face.” 
Can you see what I’m proudly clutching in my right hand? Oh, that’d be a brand spankin’ new cassette tape of Step By Step, by New Kids On The Block. (Rachel is nonplussed. Callie is excited for me. Kate is feeling blurry.) I’m exuding joy, pure and simple. 
And isn’t that what’s it all about, folks? For my birthday wish, I hope that each and every one of you has  your own personal I’m-Holding-Step-By-Step-And-Wearing-A-Fruitacular-Crop-Top-Because-I’m-Double-Digits kinda moment today.
Whatever that means for you. 
Or you can just borrow my definition. 
If you’re feeling fancy. 



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