Happy Anniversary, You Crazy Kids!

This couple.

They met and decided to go have some wild adventures and then he built her a house on Cape Cod.
Then they had a kid.
(And then they had this kid.)

And then two more kids, which everyone agreed was a) not “a little brother” and b) not “a trip to Disney World.”

Then came two more houses, at least three business ventures, and a whole menagerie, which [eventually] included five dogs, five cats, two hamsters, and at least thirty fish.

And they are now these folks. (Smushed in the back.)

And we clearly no longer allow them to take pictures by themselves.

Today is their 39th anniversary. (40th for dating.) Here’s what I wrote to them two years ago. And it’s still all true. (Especially the bit about my Dad not being able to brush a decent ponytail. But since he’s more than come through in other aspects, we’ll continue to let it slide.)

Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad. May you have another 40 [gazillion]. The traditional gift for “39” is lace. But I think we all know what your hearts desire…

A much bigger couch.



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