Pictures That May Just Make You Feel Awesome.

Sometimes, after a long week of posting about cancer (and how you inadvertently flash your thong at church), it’s nice to see some pictures of baybees being all cute:
Fun factoid: Their swimsuits are interchangeable. That’s right, my 1.5 and 3.5 year olds wear the same swimmies.

“I’m not tired. I’m just gonna sit here. Sideways. With my eyes closed. For an hour and a half. NOT TIRED.”

Oh, Zu, it’s not that bad.
A moment before she made the “gak” sound of “I cannot breathe the air.”

“That’s quite enough,” says Zuzu.
AM I IN THIS ONE?” asks Nora.
“This was supposed to be a selfie,” says their Mom.

Have a marvelous Thursday, everyone.

Go “gak” hug someone.



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