A New Gig And At Least One Bathtub Photo.

Okay guys, this will be the shortest weekly recap in the history of ever…because I only have two things to report:

My re-admittance to the blogging world after the birth of my son/all the holidays/etc., etc., etc…

And the complete awesomesauceitude of my new job blogging for The Mix, 101.9 FM, a fabulously fabulous radio station here in Chicago.

2014 is waving the ol’ banner of Terrific, thus far. Keep it up, 2014.

And wow, that’s a short post, right? Here’s some filler:


A girl and her babydoll.



Casual Friday.



A man in repose.

And there’s no post tomorrow because a) I’m attempting to ease myself into the fast-paced lifestyle of thrice weekly blogging, and b) Peej just left for a business trip to D.C. and HA HA, I HOPE IT’S SO AWESOME, P.J., I BET THAT QUIET HOTEL BED WILL BE DIVINE, I AM SOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU, COME BACK SOON!

(See you all Monday.)



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