A Round Up. And Billy Zane. And- Billy Zane.

What happened this week? Let’s see- oh, right, I MET BILLY ZANE.

Billy Zane

And that’s all. Okay, fine. I did some other stuff, too, but nothing quite at that level.

Stuff I Did That Wasn’t Meeting Billy Zane:

Stuff You Need To Know Around Town (Which Doesn’t Concern Billy Zane):

Spoiler: Billy Zane is not in it. But that’s okay. Because- again- I am. And he and I are clearly best friends.

I have the photo to prove it.

Which I stare at multiple times a day.


  1. My gosh. Can you BE any cuter?

  2. Well day-um!

    I mean, LTYM!!

  4. kerstinauerlife says:

    Wow, that's just in-zane! And you are the coolest!

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