Stay At Home What? (Or, My Friends Are Neato.)

This week was brought to you by the letter A- for Angie, the gal who took my Little Twosome for buckets of hours the other morning so I could drop Nora off at school and then jet downtown for an interview (writing, not applying).

Later on, midday was brought to us by the letters M and B- for Barbara, who cheerfully grabbed Nora from me at the park and Megan, who drove her to school so that I could make the even earlier time the interview was moved to.  (PR Firm- “Where and when works for you to interview our client?” Me- “Late morning, preferably on the north side of Chicago somewhere.” An hour later…PR Firm- “Great, we’ll see you at 12:45p in the South Loop!”)

And while we’re at it, we need to thank some of our other sponsors: S is for Sara, who jumped up and tucked in my kiddos when my high school sitter came down with the flu, mere hours before I was supposed to speak in front of a crowd last month. (And, uh, that was NOT happening without P.J. sitting in the front row.)

Thanks also goes to the letter R- for Renee, who does a lovely door-to-door service every Thursday at noon, allowing Nora to attend school and allowing me to facilitate lunch and some semblance of nap time for the remaining children. (At least one day a week. Those are good numbers.)

jasper sleepy

I don’t even know where I live anymore.

I don’t know how people without intensely tolerant friends do it. And by “it” I mean play Child Jenga across town while attempting to cobble together a paycheck from seven part-time jobs. I do know this, however-

I’m oh-so grateful to my Mama friends and the forgiving boundaries of friendship.

But perhaps we should lose the moniker “stay at home Mom?”

Because seriously.



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