Six Weeks: A Photo Comparison.

In honor of Jasper’s Six Weekiversary…(and because I’m frighteningly obsessed with my children’s faces) I decided to compare and contrast each kiddo’s head at around the same age. May I present to you: Nora. Roughly six weeks old. Not thrilled about it. Susannah. Roughly six weeks old. Thrilled about everything. (Although questioning her Mom’s Hipstamatic habit.) Jasper. Roughly six weeks old. Cheerfully resigned to it all. In conclusion…our kids have alarmingly chubby cheeks and reaaaally big eyes. Other than that, I think {Read More}

10th Round Of Chemo? Say It With Embarrassing Childhood Photos.

Dad, Today is your tenth round of chemo. (I’d say something pithy like “only two more rounds after this to go,” but I won’t. Because no one likes pithy crap like that.) I will say, however, that you continue to rock. And you continue to be strong and nonchalant and such a GUY about this whole thing. To which I can hear you say, “I’ve just gotta get it done. What choice do I have?” I can also hear you say, “I’m {Read More}

Chicago Is- Briefly- All Full O’ Summer.

For the uninitiated, this is what the first 80 degree day in Chicago looks like. To be fair, this is also what the first 68 degree day in Chicago looks like. (By 55 degrees, we’ve thrown winter coats into deep storage.) So yeah, it’s just as euphoric as it looks. Take that, nine months of winter!

We Put The "Ire" In "Ireland".

As my Dad gears up for his sixth round of chemo, I’d like to thank him for my heritage. Namely, my fabulous half-Irishitude. Back when I was a little kid, St. Patrick’s Day was a major holiday in our household. (Are you catching on to the fact that everything was a major holiday in our household? We’re a tad celebratory.) My Mom would make stellar corned beef and cabbage (no small feat, being an Armenian and all), we’d sit around the {Read More}

Turns Out, You CAN Go Home Again. (If You Clean It.)

On Thursday afternoon, I flew home to spend time with my folks for a wicked long weekend. I wanted to poke my Dad until he laughed during his fifth round of chemo (which is a medically and historically proven way to get smacked upside the head) and berate my mother into Feng Shui-ing the heck out of her living areas. So yeah, you could say I was a big ol’ helper. Here are a few things I realized (and reaffirmed) {Read More}

My Dad Is Tough Enough For The Scrambler (With Kids).

Dad, As you prepare to smack this latest round of chemo directly in the face, I’d like to remind you of a little story: It’s the story of a Dad. With two little girls. (Well, actually four, but at the time of this tale the smallish ones were running around and shoving things like Tic Tacs up their noses. They weren’t doing real things, yet.) And that Dad did things with his little girls that no one really wants to do. Like {Read More}

Nora Likes Wednesdays.

You know, just a Wednesday. The kind where you need to wear something fancy- but not too fancy because, after all, it is still a Wednesday. So you forgo the [detachable] wings to be a bit more rough n’ ready for whatever the [Wednes]day brings. And you’ve got your apple tea with honey in a Big Kid Mug and literally dozens of Tag Reader books in front of you and you’ve JUST FOUND BOTH OF

Who Posts About Halloween Movies In November?

Most people who grew up with me have seen this movie and/or video clip. (So have most people who spent any time with me at college. But those were two very different types of viewing parties.) It’s from a eye-poppingly wonderful film called The Worst Witch, and it features a young Fairuza Balk. Yeah, that’s right, she of The Craft fame. (Typecast?) And yes, the movie has elements of Harry Potter (kids away at a boarding school for witches) without any of {Read More}