A Big Ol’ (Awesome) Hasbro Giveaway.

Disclaimer: I was provided with a complimentary review pack from Hasbro featuring the games below, but all thoughts, opinions, and disturbing competitive streaks are entirely my own.  *** Hasbro Wins Christmas Morning My loves, in this- our second giveaway for this week- I’m kind of ecstatic to offer up my three favorite Hasbro games. And if your kids (or you, I don’t judge) are anything like my “big” kids, these Hasbro games are pretty much going to be the Christmas {Read More}

The Cutest Soccer Superstars You’ll Ever See.

Disclaimer: In exchange for social media love, I received complimentary soccer classes for both Nora and Susannah, courtesy of Li’l Kickers. But all thoughts, opinions, and horrifically embarrassing stories are entirely my own. Sigh.  *** Remember how, just last month, I was mentioning a not-so shortish list of things at which I am simply terrible? Can we add “playing soccer” to the list? A short (‘n true) story: My very first JV soccer game, freshman year of high school, saw {Read More}

In Honor Of My Sister’s Birthday…

…I will post adorable pictures of her. Today is my big sister Kate’s birthday. Happy birthday, Kate! She is slightly older than me. Making her…25. Happy 25th birthday, Kate! Here’s to my very first best friend… …co-schemer of all things awesome… …built-in partner in crime… …festive merrymaker… …and extraordinarily tolerant Keely-wrangler. (Super sorry ’bout that last one.) Happy Kate Day, everyone!

Why Parenting Is The Least Rational Job Ever.

Today Nora rode a bike. It wasn’t without training wheels and it wasn’t even the first time she had done so…but this time I really looked and saw and got it. In two short months she’ll be five years old. And in that short/long time, she’s figured out how to hold a spoon. Stand upright and move forward. Use a potty. Comb her hair. Clear a table. Talk like a semi-normal person on the phone. And- apparently- work the mechanics of {Read More}

Eight Months Old. Lemme Tell You About My Childhood.

Dear Jasper, Tomorrow you’ll be a whopping eight months old. How the honkin’ what? Yesterday, we returned from our five week East Coast jaunt (of which you were a natural, no surprise there). We spent time in the Berkshires where you learned how to do clutch things like navigate a rotary (from the backseat) and consume copious amounts of (secondhand) ice cream. For the last week of the trip, we fetched your Dad from the airport and headed to Cape {Read More}

The Most Informative #tbt Ever.

In honor of it being Thursday, and in honor of #tbt being a thing that the kids like to do, may I present: The Four Photographs Which Will Explain Me In Entirety Let’s start with this gem, shall we? Here I am, seated in the center of the table at someone else’s birthday party. I’m not sure if I was trying to be inclusive in this picture or if I was enjoying a “nyah nyah” moment…but goodness, that’s an expression I see {Read More}

Free Netflix & A Trip Down Memory Lane.

Here’s one of my ultimate favorite things about Netflix: they let you revisit your completely awesome TV memories (and then conveniently pause…and then conveniently re-watch at 2am…and then conveniently get a snack and continue watching in your kitchen…) And let’s be honest. I attended Bayside High. I was no stranger to the Keaton family. And I bet you didn’t know that Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys had a wicked helpful fourth member of the team. (And no, it wasn’t Bess {Read More}

Sex Ed Scare Tactics (And Some Cute Baby Pictures).

I think I’m onto something. Forget outdated PSAs for sex ed. in our middle and high schools. Yes, yes, kids should know about respecting their bodies and prevention of diseases and all that…but if you want to really ensure that your kids will make smart choices? Show a video of a rest stop bathroom. And a parent attempting to corral a few whirling dervishes onto the potty. And then off of the potty. And- oh my God, don’t touch that. And {Read More}