Norman Rockwell It Ain’t.

Happy Easter!Love, The Confused Todder (Awake Since 1:45am)The Jellybean Thief (Vibrating With Sugar In The Background)The Crab Apple Gal (Pondering A 4th Cup Of Coffee)And The Determined Guy (Having A Magical Day, DARN IT.)

Easter Is A Full Contact Sport.

Those are some pretty special-looking eggs. I spent a good part of last week preparing for Easter with the girls (and Peej). We made paper Easter bunnies and plastered them to our front window. We braided traditional Armenian cheoreg biscuits to consume on Easter morning. Eggs were [carefully] dyed. We even unleashed the girls onto a wealthy neighborhood’s egg hunt. Everything was in place for a cinchy, relaxing, and nice Easter morning. Even though P.J. wanted to go to 8am {Read More}

No babies were harmed during this posting. I’m pretty sure.

If this jinxes it then I am sorry, but…it seems to be Spring. Real Spring. Like, average of 50 degrees (sometimes 85! Sometimes…40), at times darned rainy, but always with that smell of fresh(ish) air. And perhaps that scent coming from the neighbor’s yard. But whatever. I’ll take it. This past week alone I took Nora outside in no less than five baby-totin’ contraptions: the Maya sling, the hip carrier (as in, on my hip- I have lost all hopes of {Read More}