Ten Years Later.

I’m not much of a Bandwagon-Jumper…nor am I inclined to be a Dolores Downer (my Mom’s name is Deb- and she’s rather peppy), but I’d be extremely remiss in not acknowledging the 10th anniversary of September 11th. It seems like everywhere I turned yesterday, there were flag wavers, remembrances of the day, and country lyrics galore. Well, I have no country lyrics for you (except, randomly, I do have Folsom Prison Blues stuck in my head), and the only flag I {Read More}

He’ll Be The Prettiest Of Them All!

Why do you need another? Before we continue on to The Pressing Issues, I’d like to acknowledge that I’m just as sick of the pregnancy talk as you are. Maybe even moreso, since I’ve got the pregnancy thought and the pregnancy insomnia. What I wouldn’t give for a good anecdote from the club. (It doesn’t MATTER which club- so long as there’s a decent bar special and a questionable DJ.) That said, as I am 33 days away from having another {Read More}

The One In Which P.J. Almost Offs Himself.

Friends, I was almost widowed this weekend.  And it would’ve been painful. Painfully embarrassing, that is. For me.  In less stressful times. On Friday night, after Peej’s show opened, he returned home and complained of having lower region pain. At first he thought he was dying of a hernia or something else that I didn’t take entirely seriously (because a- he is either completely fine OR on death’s doormat with no middle ground ever and b- he later told me that {Read More}

Does Mickey D’s deliver?

Poor abandoned kid, living in a milk crate. First things first: happiest of birthdays to one of my oldest pals (in years of closeness, that is, not oldest-living-friend.) We love you, Auntie Jen! Test the waters o’ 31 for me, I’ll be there in a couple of months. Now. For the serious news. P.J. has left me. For four days. And it’s…weird. Quite weird. At first, I panicked. You mean I hafta do all of this alone? Feed and bathe {Read More}

It’s the little ones you hafta watch.

Bath Pingu also frightens me. I am easily frightened. I think we all can agree on that. However, the other day my bravery reached an all new low. I was taking advantage of a quiet/resting Nora by doing all sorts of exotic and glamorous activities in the upstairs bathroom; brushing my teeth, using moisturizer, contemplating a braid. Glancing up into the mirror, I saw into Nora’s open room through the reflection. I saw her crib, I saw her lovies, I saw…her {Read More}

Not too early for a late breakfast martini, though…

Get A Load Of This Gal Cam. Boy oh boy, have I overcome a major writing hurdle. As I’ve been working on various projects this a.m., I put on Sirius XM’s 40s on 4 channel- recently converted to all holiday music, all the time. Which I generally dig. But it wasn’t doing much for my creative process other than making me want to swirl brandy in front of a fire- and it’s about an hour too early for that. (Darn you, {Read More}