Back When I Worked Outside The Home (And Rode Trolleys).

In honor of Father’s Day (and also because I’m still rocking the Throwback Monday because #tbm is a thing), here’s a post detailing what we did on this weekend…exactly four years ago. Things have changed. Yet things have also not changed. (Enjoy.) *** Rock N’ Roll Lifestyle, Indeed. (originally published June 21st, 2010) What a wonky start to the day. It’s Monday, it’s boiling hot, it’s swamptacular…and it’s- quite unexpectedly- my day off. Mr. C has a raging fever (feel better, li’l {Read More}

Back When I Thought Losing Both Arms While Abroad Was Funny…

Today is the second in our series of Throwback Mondays (#tbm- it’s now a thing) with this little bit of mockery inspired by Tom, my brother in-law. It makes me realize two things: one, that I still find this ridiculously funny, and two, that I had simply gobs of time on my hands back in ’08. Why wasn’t I, like, learning Mandarin or something? *** Sign Me Up! (Originally posted June 17th, 2008) This is an actual travel insurance payout {Read More}

Back When I Aimlessly Wandered Stores…

In honor of so many things- namely, my upcoming birthday, the 6th anniversary of this very blog, and the fact that I’ve gone to summer vacation in my mind- I’ve decided to have some fun with Mondays until the Fall and do a bit of nostalgic posting. In short, I’m gonna bring back some of my favorite posts (which, really, have only been seen by the ten of you who’ve been reading since the beginning. Hi, guys!!) and hope that {Read More}