Happy Gals, A Melty Car, And A Double Stroller.

There are so many good pix from Memorial Day weekend that need their day in the sun. (The ridiculously hot sun.) Here are a few more: That’s rather warm for May. Random passersby wondered why I was snorting with laughter. Beach fail= backyard win. It wouldn’t be a weekend without a pic of smiling Zuzu. V takes a break from helping us unpack the new rooms to make a pal.

It’s The Little Things.

As we close out week five of “The Project,” it’s pictures like this that keep me going: Yuv. This one doesn’t hurt, either: 90% finished laundry room. (Yuv.)

Wynken And Blynken And Nod.

Even when things get awful and messy and smelly and chaotic, it never fails to amaze me that the simple act of watching these two dynamos nap can make everything seem a teensy bit sweeter. (Still messy. Just nicer to look at.)

Reminiscing This And That.

I was going to post more pix of the whole-house carnage, but decided on this instead. I present to you: [Part Of] “Oodelally,” Sung By A Slightly Crabby Swedish Chef.  

Something Actually Works!

Please pardon the complete and utter lack of artistry in these photos- they’re too dark, and they barely show what I’m trying to convey. BUT. Here’s the thing. After weeks of things falling down, we have something new. Something awesome. And it’s a bay window with a wide seat board.  And it is good. Old window in dim light. Note: janky/creaky wooden windows, various scratches, three layers of ill-placed caulking. NEW window in dim lighting. Note: HOW AWESOME IT IS. {Read More}

[Forced] Togetherness.

Our Double Stroller- Making Moments Like This Possible Since 2012.

Can We Swap "Wordless" With "Instagram?"

Avocado Face. The Burger Princess. …And I call this one “Look At The Goober On The Side.”

Half A Year!

Two days old. Full of questions/concerns/comments. Two and a half months old. Full of joy/covered in stickers. Six months old. Full of sunshine/applesauce/butternut squash.Also, covered in stickers.