RoundUp: Columns & Festivals & I’m On Stage!

September is scooting right along! And I’ve had to pee since August! Here’s some stuff I wrote when I wasn’t shuttling my children around like a one-woman Greyhound bus: I am an autumnal failure. Here’s why, via my 101.9FM Moms in the Mix column. Over at Chicago Parent, I wrote the most important thing for my kid to read ever, ever. (Until she hits another milestone and I subsequently fall apart even more.) Did you happen to see the project {Read More}

Superheroines At 20% Theatre Chicago’s Snapshots Festival!

Pals, I have a show opening tonight and I’m super thrilled about it. And yes, I agree that there has been a lot of self-promotion around these parts lately…but I hope you’ll forgive the need for a little personal acknowledgement that requires neither a She Wore THAT?! list nor a selfie featuring a Popeye arm and at least one angled nostril. Yes? We’re cool for the moment? I thank you. SO. Before I get into the specifics of this play {Read More}

A Giveaway For Expecting: A Year of Fixing Up And Breaking Down. Now In Nook Form, Too!

So, pretty sure by now you know I wrote a book called Expecting: A Year of Fixing Up and Breaking Down. (Hey, did you hear I wrote a book? I totally wrote a book.) But this is not idle braggery. (That’s another post.) No, today I get to give away a copy of aforementioned book to celebrate Expecting’s arrival on the scene as a Nook book at Barnes & Noble! Isn’t that wicked? Now everyone I’ve met over the summer/friends {Read More}

RoundUp: Some Really Good Reading. Including My E-Book!

I am already so in love with July, you guys. Here’s why: Say- just say- I was gonna leave Chicago for five weeks this summer. This is what our breakup/get-back-together would look like. For research (and for Chicago Parent), I stayed in the nicest place ever, ever, ever. You are welcome, locals. My darling friend Alison featured Nora & Zu in her article on summer fun for Everyday Family! (And they’re supra-cute, too. Yeah, I’m biased.) Blogging ruins your children. Here {Read More}

‘Expecting: A Year Of Fixing Up & Breaking Down’ Is On Sale!

Hey, friends- I can’t even begin to tell you all how much the crazy outpouring of book-related support means to me. But I’m sure gonna try. It’s better than Taco Night. It seriously is. All of the clicks and shares and entries and messages of confidence have made me feel pretty darned good. So thank you. And I’m absolutely stoked to announce the two winners for signed copies of Expecting- Hillary C. and Sarah A! (I’ll totally contact you in {Read More}

I Wrote A Book. It’s Called Expecting. And You Can Win It Here.

You guys, today is the 6th birthday of Lollygag Blog. Or it’s anniversary. Let’s go with blogivirthday. And for this epic blogivirthday, I’m hosting what is easily the most exciting giveaway in which I’ve ever participated. ‘Cause it’s for my book. For the nine percent of you all who haven’t been inundated with the chatter, travails, and whining about this creative process for the past two years, lemme give you a little Cliff Notes action: It’s called Expecting: A Year {Read More}

Working From Home With Kids: A Primer.

Lately, I’ve been getting a lot of the “how do you do it” questions which are usually politely asked of parents who work from home. (My secret? I never ever get dressed unless I absolutely have to. Also? I haven’t changed Suzy’s PullUp since October.) But here- just for fun- is a snapshot of my “work from home” mornings, complete with helpful tips n’ tricks. Days like today are easier days, since none of the three kids under 4.5 have {Read More}

A New Gig And At Least One Bathtub Photo.

Okay guys, this will be the shortest weekly recap in the history of ever…because I only have two things to report: My re-admittance to the blogging world after the birth of my son/all the holidays/etc., etc., etc… And the complete awesomesauceitude of my new job blogging for The Mix, 101.9 FM, a fabulously fabulous radio station here in Chicago. 2014 is waving the ol’ banner of Terrific, thus far. Keep it up, 2014. And wow, that’s a short post, right? {Read More}