Social media detox, or Why I’m a rotten mother.

“Mom, stop ignoring me!” This from Suzy, almost to the point of tears. But the real guilt-zinger? Not only did I have zero idea of what she had been saying, I had had zero idea that she was even STANDING there. Yes. I was on my phone. And yes, I was confirming an activity- for her. At first I was, anyhow. Then I was scrolling through the Facebook feed of someone I didn’t actually like all that much, and hadn’t {Read More}

I convinced my son to break his pacifier (and other therapy stories).

I’m a horrible mother. I super duper mean it this time. Lemme ‘splain: Jasper needed to kick his pacifier habit. (No, that’s not the reason I’m a horrid parent- will you hang on a second, judgy?) He’s two and a half, already operates at a slight deficit in the whole speechly department, and I think we can all agree that a partially ripped, grubby pink pacifier doesn’t exactly scream “Christmas card photo,” right? It was time to kick the paci. {Read More}