Bouncing around town with Pearachute (and a new discount code)!

Disclosure: As a Pearachute ambassador I receive- among other things- comped classes, but all thoughts, opinions, and beautifully tired children are entirely my own. (Make sure to scroll to the bottom for a crazy-awesome discount code!) *** I’ll admit it: between Easter travels and Spring Break non-travels, I haven’t been the greatest Pearachute sharer in the world. That changes now. I joked to Erica, V.P. of membership, that our Pearachute account is the 6th family member. (You know, the one {Read More}

Spring breaking with Pearachute (and a last-chance deal!)

Disclosure: I’m thrilled to be working as a Pearachute Kids ambassador. Check it out: baby classes! Little kid stories and activities! Bigger kid sports and fine arts! Sibling classes! Drop offfffffs! Even though I’m being compensated for my posts, all thoughts, opinions, and gloriously tired-out children are entirely my own.  *** Curious as to what Pearachuting those tiny kiddos of mine have been up to lately? In “Pearachute About Town” News: Nora and Susannah rocked a Minnow class at the British Swim School. {Read More}

Pearachute will change the way your kids try (and love!) activities.

There’s a reason I’m posting a gushy love story about Pearachute on a Sunday, Chicagoans. The week’s looming ahead, right? Wouldn’t it be nice if you knew what your kids’ schedule looked like- with knowledge that you can mix n’ match n’ cancel n’ add at any given time? (Yes.) If you’ve been peeping on my social media lately, you’ve probably noticed that my kids are doing a ton of stuff right now. I’m not usually a fan of the {Read More}