Hey there, Scorpio baby!

Well, this is it.

The end of Date Night Month.


October has treated me pretty well. This week alone we rounded out the dates with a viewing of “Where the Wild Things Are” (I cried, surprise, surprise), a yum dinner at Kiki’s Bistro (no relation) for Peej’s birthday (we had steak pomme frites- bringing us up to…four steaks this week. Nice life) a walk in the forest preserve (where a buck crossed our paths, momentously non-concerned- later, we saw his wife and baby resting by a tree- he’s a family man, too!) and discovered Susie’s Diner (24/7 greasy fabulousness and fifty-plus milkshakes on the menu! Date SUMMER, coming right up!)

I love P.J.’s birthday- I love most birthdays, really- because the idea of celebrating for an entire day is so, so appealing. I made him breakfast kinda early (he’s a bit of a “rusher” in the mornings…) and watched him open his prezzies. We had opened a few the night before (spoiledrottenbaby) because the stack of presents was mammoth and he was “only thinking of me” getting to see him open all of them. That. Is. Love. And nothing says “love” like an 18 volt Black & Decker drill. (The cats got him socks and boxers- unoriginal, but hey- they have no thumbkins.) Spent the rest of the day emailing him 28 reasons why he’s so great (Peej started that tradition on my 25th…my youngest sis said that it would be pretty difficult by middle age. My thought: if I can’t think of ONE new thing I like about my husband each year, it’s gonna be a loooong marriage) and then we had a little French bistro action. This was followed, of course, by a chocolate Sweet Mandy B’s cake.

For P.J., of course.

This week was also spent running errands on a gigantic to-do list, checking things off like God Himself was going to point down at an item and proclaim: You didn’t pay your library fines? No more books for you. EVER.

Finally was able to use a gift card to a swank maternity store- ended up buying a sweatshirt. Whatever. I love it. I did, however, have a moment of delirious laughter when I saw the “Nine months” option hanging in the dressing room. Ever seen one of these? It’s like a toddler’s water bubble for the pool, ‘cept it goes in front- you know, to guesstimate how big a size you’ll need at “nine months.”


It was the size of a volleyball, cut in half. Now, a volleyball isn’t exactly tiny…but it’s certainly not even coming close to the span of my midsection. I’m pretty sure it’s even smaller than the circumference of my kid’s head. It may actually be boob-sized. Regardless. This is not helpful and it a) will only perpetuate this idea that WOMEN GAIN SEVEN POUNDS IN PREGNANCY and b) make you come back for a new hoodie. Except you’ll be crying. For you’ll feel obese.

Thanks, “Nine months” option!

Also did that all-too-critical eyebrows step prior to one’s delivery. (Now, I don’t necessarily have any illusions that I’ll look like Heidi Klum in the hospital, but I’d rather not look like Gary Busey, either.) There’s this place down the street that looked shady and cheap- but it had been recommended- so I gave it a try. You would have thought a military operation was going down. Turns out, they didn’t “wax” so much as “thread” the living daylights out of any hair within the vicinity of my eyeballs. This was a two woman job. And I was clearly in the way as the third. Like a really uncomfortable game of Cats Cradle, they pulled, twanged and sawed at my eyebrows until I was pretty sure raw nerves were exposed. At one point I began to giggle (even though, truly, nothing was funny AT ALL) and also tried to wipe away an errant tear.

“You no help.” (Story of my life, sister.)

And just when I thought my head would explode from a sensation akin to holding in a sneeze for an hour, underwater, while being stabbed…there was a big ol’ mirror in front of my face.

“You like?”

DID I LIKE?! My head was now glorious! My brows conveyed a look of stylish, confident wit. And the price? FIVE DOLLARS. (I’m going back next month.)

And now, with no further ado…I’m off to the hospital to meet my kiddo! I am unbelievably excited to see the baby who has kept me on a strict diet of pickles, onions, tacos, Italian ice and lemonade for the past nine months, as well as see JUST HOW BIG the feet are that have dragging across my ribcage for the past two. Hopefully we’ll be able to loosen the ball that is my child’s body within the next month- after all, any kid that chooses to spend a trimester with his face against a lung and ankles over the forehead (with hands making “fish face” gills) is destined to be slightly cylindrical in shape. I’m already in love.

So today, October 29th, 2009, the day that the Billboard Pop Charts insist that Miley Cyrus’ “Party in the U.S.A.” is the best song EVER and “Paranormal Activity” is the biggest box office smash (“Where the Wild Things Are” is third!), I get to officially…

…wonder if the term “lollygag” is already a sweet, laughable, never-again-kinda phrase.

(Happy birthday, Bitsy!)



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