Day three of kiddo fever= rage about The Issues.

Oh my goodness.

Now, I’m not usually one for “current” media. I read the Sunday paper, of course- the trifecta of the Sunday Mag, Parade and “the funners.” Always. I try to keep up with environmental, health and local political stuff. But no, I’m not a rabid news follower. (Then again, I kinda don’t have to be. I’m married to a guy who has The Huffington Post tattooed onto his corneas. He likes to tell me The Issues right before bed.)

However. This morning’s Trib had a feature story about the Happy Meal. And how evil it was. Because McDonald’s lures kids in with the promise of– get this- a toy. And it’s making our nation’s kids fat. And, I dunno, commercial. I really don’t see the problem. Okay, I take that back. I see the problem of gluttonous consumerism. Everyone does. But seriously. Let’s break it down:

a) The kids ain’t driving themselves to Mickey D’s. Toys are the big draw? False. An easy meal for the parent is the draw. (And as a parent and a ridiculously lazy person myself, I do not condemn this practice. But let’s not get all high and mighty about the toy thing- a dollar burger is a dollar burger is I Am Not Cooking Tonight. Heck- the other day we took Nora out to get a corndog. Healthy? Nope. But it was easy to procure and I wanted a bite of it.)

b) They have french fries? In the Happy Meal? Yup. But they also have apple dippers and white meat chicken and milk chugs. (Forgetting, for a moment, that the idea of “chugging” milk makes me retch.) They also have salads and wraps and yogurt parfaits and grilled stuff. But my kid won’t eat that, a chorus of parents exclaim, baggies of Cheerios in hand. Well, that’s not McD’s fault. Again, the six year-old isn’t waltzing up to the counter and placing an order. (Although that would be pretty special to see.)

c) The toy itself? The five cent marvel that is the instantly breakable piece of indeterminate plastic? Really? This is the thing causing all the fuss? Yeah, kids really crave that piece of ribbon attached to a piece of plastic [a current, AirBender-related toy choice]- so much, in fact, that it instantly ends up under the backseat of the car. Also, did you know that they offer crayons at Denny’s? Yup. LURES THEM IN. Do we really want our kids to think it’s okay to eat Moons Over My Hammy every single day? Uh, then why the crayons?

I totally dig why people are up in arms over this. It took this company waaay too long to offer healthier choices and come clean on nutritional listings. But somewhere along the line people need to take personal responsibility for individual items of food which they place in their individual mouths. Going to McDonald’s was a special- and extremely rare- treat for us when we were kids. As Peej said to me this morning- it wasn’t the toy so much as it was a chance to eat a burger in a place that made him feel like a big kid. And, of course, the Play Place didn’t hurt. (‘Cept when it did.) And let’s not forget about the Hamburglar. (I really, really couldn’t NOT mention him here.)

Heck, little kid P.J. was bribed with a Happy Meal to “be okay with” moving to his new house. As in, “If we take you, will you stop whining about the move?” Yup!

And what about Mayor McCheese? (That’s all.)

In short, don’t take your kids out to have fast food. Except when you want to. But don’t do it more than every once in a while. Or- if you do- you lose the right to say things about fast food luring you in.

Now I am simply starving.

Media rant= ended. Back to hard-hitting issues like this or this or (takin’ the Wayback Machine) to this.

Happy Thursday.

Be good to your cecum. (Eww…)



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