Return Of The Minivan: The Condiments Strike Back.

Apologies for the nonexistent Monday post. During the time that I’d usually be publishing the Monday a.m. blog, we were careening somewhere across New York. Or maybe it was Pennsylvania by that point. Definitely not Ohio, and years away from being Indiana or Illinois, end-of-journey-wise. Here’s what I’ve learned about trekking halfway across the country in a minivan with three kids, aged 5.5 and under: Don’t do it. Stop. Why are you still thinking about it? Don’t be a jerk. {Read More}

Day three of kiddo fever= rage about The Issues.

Oh my goodness. Now, I’m not usually one for “current” media. I read the Sunday paper, of course- the trifecta of the Sunday Mag, Parade and “the funners.” Always. I try to keep up with environmental, health and local political stuff. But no, I’m not a rabid news follower. (Then again, I kinda don’t have to be. I’m married to a guy who has The Huffington Post tattooed onto his corneas. He likes to tell me The Issues right before {Read More}

Through-line free since 2008!

Sometimes I make notes on my phone, stuff I want to remember and randomly insert into a blog post. I use my version of shorthand- which is really not shorthand at ALL, nor is it terribly short- which proves confusing, occasionally. Today’s note- vmpre bathroom. (See? That second word wasn’t even any different!) I was pretty sure I meant “vampire” bathroom, which made me feel good to figure out. Then I felt badly again, realizing that I still had no {Read More}