Spoiling A Movie In Three Panels.

So, this is nowhere near “wordless” today, but I think you’ll forgive the loquaciousness when you behold THIS:

This movie has already aired. You may have missed your chance to see it. But it still needs to be discussed.

The promo features three distinct pictures slashed across the page: Cuba Gooding Jr. looking concerned. A female behind a chain link fence looking, I dunno, hopeless. And, inexplicably, a group of what I can only assume are jumpsuited prisoners laughing on a bus.

Because of these three pictures, I feel like I’ve already seen the movie. He’s tenacious. She’s heard it all before. They’re laughing on a bus.

My favorite part, however? The tagline: She never had a chance until he gave her one.

Which could easily be changed to: She’ll have a chance in the near future, maybe like in a year or so. Don’t do anything regrettable behind that chain link fence. Just hang out with your friends- they look jovial. 

I am really sad that I missed this movie. But, come on, don’t YOU also kinda feel like you’ve watched this movie after reading today’s breakdown?

Cuba Gooding Jr. is going to beat me to death with a shoe.

She never had a chance…



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