Family, Sleepiness, And Ill-Advised Travel.

Last night, I flew to Boston.

Last night,  flew to Boston during a Category 5 thunderstorm.

Last night, I flew to Boston during a Category 5 thunderstorm that took off 45 minutes late, had to circle up to Maine for an hour in a holding pattern, and featured some of the craziest floor-dropping turbulence I’ve ever experienced.

At one point, the ceiling of the plane began to rattle and whine in this sorta “I’m about to snap in half” way.

And the lady in front of me hacked up a lung the whole [extended] journey, finally explaining to the flight attendant that she was “really, really sick.” (Yeah?!)

But I got to read a book and watch a show by myself, so it was still awesome.

I did feel super bad, however, that my Dad and my bro-in-law were waiting to pick me up at the airport until midnight. Getting us back to the house around 12:30am. And in bed by 1:15pm. Which, for a family that includes an exhausted new Mom, an exhausted back-to-work Dad, my exhausted Mom, and my Dad (on an off-week from chemo)- plus a newborn- those are some pretty ravetacular hours.

Alarmed by the camera. Him, not me.

But it was absolutely awesome to meet Garrett. He’s rather fantastic and adorable and baby-magical.

And it’s always fun to see my folks- even if they leave before lunch to go back to their home on the other side of the state, boo hiss.

My Daaad!

And, of course, I’m pretty sure I’m gonna have a blast with all four of my nephews. And my sister. And my bro-in-law. And there’s even talk of me seeing my youngest sis and her boyfriend tonight.

It’ll be the best time ever.

Once I regain the strength to get up off the floor.



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