A Round-Up In Pictures. (And Love.)

Pals, today I’m gonna skip the usual round-up of writin’s (except to say that Chicago peeps should really check out this MSI giveaway- ending tonight!) and give you the round-up of pix which thoroughly define this week. So.

Pix Which Thoroughly Define This Week:

Someone is enjoying his food. And is preeeeeetty proud of himself. (FYI, this picture sorta encapsulates every dinnertime…and room where food could possibly be served…and at least nine outfits.)

jasper oatmeal

On Saturday, I celebrated six years of marriage with a guy who’s brave enough to protect our fortress with his bare (or sometimes gloved) hands, strong enough to cheerfully/stoically tackle early morning children duty, and intuitive enough to- 9 times outta 10- predict what I’ll order and rave about on any given menu. How charmed am I? (I want a hundred and six more.)

Keely and P.J.'s wedding

And speaking of my wedding, here’s a pic of another pretty special guy who was there:

Keely and her Dad

(“Keely,” he’s totally saying right now. “STOPPIT with the interwebs pictures.”) But whatever, Dad. Because today I’m sending you a bit more love and strength as you start another round of chemo. And while I can’t promise that I’m as showered or awake as I clearly am in that photo, I can promise that I will be when I’m high-fiving you this summer, oh-so soon. (Okay, maybe most of the time I’ll be showered and/or alert.) If I can dream big, so can you. (I love you, Dad.) And I love you, Peej. And- God help me- I love Jasper covered in oatmeal. You’re pretty great, too. Happy Wednesday.



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