Fun With The Internet: Painting My Kids Edition.

I know for a fact that my kids are biologically my own. I was there.


Every now and again I have a hard time remembering that fact, especially since the biggie and the little little look so much like their Dad. (Phewf, amiright?) But that middle little? That smallish blonde kid with the wispy duckling hair and the ice-blue eyes that just scream I’m a Flynn, even moreso than my mama?

Sometimes it’s tough to see where- coloring aside- Miss Susannah fits into the whole genealogical stew.

So the other day, when no fewer than three women approached me to tell me how much my kid looked like me, I stopped and laughed. Because they were pointing to Zu. But then I got to thinking…maybe they were right? What if I could- oh so temporarily- change her coloring to see if that’s where the confusion came from?

Well, thanks to the creepy powers of the internet, I totally can.

As a refresher, here is Susannah Mae. (And disclaimer: I LOVE her coloring. I envy those eyes and mourn the day she’ll streak her perfect hair with Sun-In. *coughLikeHerMomcough*)

And here’s Susannah with a weird, poorly done Internet Makeover.

suzy brunette

I think we can all agree that bangs are really hard.
Other than that, I pretty much work for Pixar.

So, like, a little more resemblance to myself, but nothing to write home about. I did, however, see a bit more sisterliness to this little munchkin:

nora headshot

But again, nothing ground-breaking.

In fact, the more I stared at the picture, it reminded me less and less of Nora and Jasper and their Daddy-o…and more and more like someone completely unexpected.

Like my own Mama.

mim baby


Of course, to prove the point to myself I gave my Armenian mother the Susannah-ish coloring a la The Internet…

mim as suzy

I totally felt like a Technicolor artist working on The Wizard of Oz.

And while, no, they wouldn’t be able to pull a Parent Trap on anyone, it did make a bit more sense.

mim and suzy

Susannah a la Mim, and Mim a la Susannah. I’m so confused.

So there you go, Susannah Mae. Welcome to the family. Clearly you genetically belong in here somewhere

Even though I obviously had very little to do with it.



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