Fun With The Internet: Painting My Kids Edition.

I know for a fact that my kids are biologically my own. I was there. However. Every now and again I have a hard time remembering that fact, especially since the biggie and the little little look so much like their Dad. (Phewf, amiright?) But that middle little? That smallish blonde kid with the wispy duckling hair and the ice-blue eyes that just scream I’m a Flynn, even moreso than my mama? Sometimes it’s tough to see where- coloring aside- {Read More}

The Story Of The Monkey.

So this is the story of Susannah Mae. I will attempt to toe the line between crazy gory details (’cause there are people who really, really wanna know) and uh, non-crazy gory details. ‘Cause there are definitely people who DON’T. And pardon in advance my odder-than-usual vernacular, as well as the moments where I appear to be trailing off mid-sent… The drugs are my friends. Anyway. On the morning of the 4th, we set our alarms for 5am, knowing that we {Read More}

T Minus WHAT?!

Donesville. Okay, this is getting nuts. By tomorrow morning at this time- if all goes according to plan- I will be holding the newest member of the mini Schoeny family. Which blows my mind right outta my head and plops it onto the dining room table, which I have yet to stop dusting. It’s very strange to know precisely when your pregnancy will be done. And at the same time, you almost wish you’d go into labor (regardless of how wonky {Read More}

Squalor No More! (Until Next Week!)

Her house is actually cleaner. Okay, the baby can come any time now. Well, actually, give me about an hour, Baby Monkey- for you see, our home is being cleaned. And- this is the kicker- by people who know what they’re doing. They are vacuuming the couch.They are scrubbing and disinfecting the tubs as opposed to just, like, vaguely wiping/spraying them down with an after-shower spray. [P.J.: You only wipe them down? Keely: Yes. I didn’t want you to have to find {Read More}

Someone Bring Me A Dustmop. Or A Pillow.

Putting on brass knuckles. I should not be left to my own devices. This includes all of the times where Nora is napping, I am caught up on household dirtiness, writing deadlines are breezed through, and P.J. is off doing something P.J.-like (i.e., watching Mad Men, showering, or building a door frame). What, you ask? There are times when all of these forces align and you find yourself with free pockets of the day, gaps of the afternoon and/or early {Read More}

This Is How I Nest.

Mama, please stop being a Nut. Just shy of six weeks until this kiddo makes his or her Monkey debut. Sounds like a ton of time, right? Sure, if you’re a sane being. Which- in all fairness- I must not have been to get pregnant so soon after my daughter’s first birthday knowing full well that the end of this pregnancy would align with multiple heat waves. But that’s nothin’ compared to my recent jaunts from reality. Last night, right before {Read More}

Baby Brunches And Potential Rodents

How is it Monday already? Oh right, because the term formerly referred to as “weekend” has been replaced by “super-sonic crazyfest.” Aka “summer.” Zumba behind us! This past crazyfest was especially lovely, as my big sis Kate was in town to boss me around- er- make sure everything got done before The Monkey had his/her arrival. She even threw me (and The Monkey) a sweet brunch at Selmarie in Lincoln Square and hosted a few wonderful friends! Some highlights: -My {Read More}

And no baby classes this time, either!

A good friend of ours (and neighbor! Like real people who have neighbor friends!) recently lent me his copies of Brain Age 2 and The Curious Village for the Nintendo DS. This is timely. As someone who cannot for a day lapse on the staving off o’ dementia, not to mention the much-debated Preggo Brain (’cause as much as I hate to rely on hormonal excuses, I showed up for work last month sans diapers and/or milk. For a  ten {Read More}