Swimming Like Champs. Or At Least Better Than Me.

This wraps up the two-fer posts I’ve written on behalf of Goldfish Swim School and their terrific programs for the smallest pollywogs among you. Nora and Susannah swam for free- but all thoughts and opinions and pruney fingers are our own. 


Well, we did it. The gals completed their first-ever In An Actual Swim Facility lessons…and I’m proud to announce that they’re both champion divers, not to mention serious contenders for the Under-5 freestyle record.


They’re competent and comfy in the water, possess the ability to backfloat, and can swim underwater without sputtering like wet, deranged kittens. (Completely unlike their mother. Sigh.)

Our six-week session with Goldfish proved that swim lessons for the ittiest bittiest members of the family can be fun and EASY. Watching the girls have a blast with their adored teacher (woot, Miss Jennifer!) through the walled glass- while comfortably chilling with Jasper, a train table, and a cup of coffee (I’ll let you piece together who chose what)- was a ridiculously pleasant way to spend part of a morning.

Nora swimming

No one in this family is capable of staying still.

The staff was beyond friendly. The facility (and the showers!) were beyond clean. And it was beyond easy to scoot them from their lesson and get them washed, dressed, and on our way without it becoming…as impossible as it could be to get them from their lesson, washed, dressed, and on our way.

Bonus: Both girls are now proficient with the placement and wearing of smallish goggles. Which- again- is something their mother never quite mastered.

Maybe they’ll just add it to their list of stuff to teach me.


Go play there!

Goldfish Swim School

2630 W. Bradley Place, Chi


Or visit: goldfishswimschool.com



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