A Roundup: Eye Candy Theatre, Great Reads, & Sunscreen That Won’t Burn Your Eyes.

Happy Wednesday! The girls’ room is mostly done upstairs (photos tomorrow)! And the post-baptism laundry is mostly done downstairs (no photos tomorrow)! Stuff I Wrote Which May Contain Bodily Function References: Don’t be jealous, but my new driver’s license photo could be a textbook manual on how to take the perfect driver’s license photo. I reviewed The White Snake at The Goodman Theatre for Chicago Parent- and promptly guffawed and bawled my way outta my seat. (Super pretty.) Netflix in May {Read More}

Internet Stalking: Magazine Edition.

I have a confession to make. I’m being stalked. By a magazine. Now, I don’t know what I did to attract the attentions of this certain magazine. I’ve never given them any indication that I was their target demographic. I’ve never clicked through on an online link. And I certainly have never subscribed to the darned thing.  And the worst part? It’s not Martha Stewart Living. It’s not Vogue. (It’s not even Teen Vogue.) It’s Taste of Home Magazine. And they {Read More}

Keely Goes Into Sugar Shock At The Windy City Soiree.

A warning: not since my wedding album has there been such a compilation of photos featuring mainly ME. However, yesterday’s Windy City Soiree at Chicago’s divine Water Tower Place (hosted by the equally divine ChicagonistaLIVE Show) was so supra-awesome fun (and required a good deal of selfies), that I decided to post some of my favorites.  One of the “missions” involved stopping by Express and trying on our faves. Whilst pregnant, oversized sunglasses are always a nice n’ safe bet.  This is {Read More}

The Media Speaks To Me.

This morning, P.J. almost threw out what was- easily– the best part of today’s Tribune. It was the circular for the Grand Opening of Five Below, my new favorite five-bucks-and-under store (to which I have never been). It’s almost like Peej doesn’t even care about The Issues or Extreme Savings. Weird.  Let’s review. Let’s do a close-up on that front cover, shall we? Okay, generically pretty girl, perhaps college-aged, happily wearing a Snuggie. Now, I can suspend my disbelief as well {Read More}

All is true.

Why, Amit, WHY? [Note: As I sit here in the drafty front room of my chilly abode in the downright frozen town of Chicago…I am having a really hard time keeping my chenille blanket about my shoulders as I type. That’s right- I CLEARLY NEED A SNUGGIE AS I AM COLD YET ACTIVE.  Note note: I did not get paid for this post. (Nor for the mentions of Snuggies or any other product herein.) This is not a review. It is {Read More}