California, A Wedding, And Some Stoked Little Girls.

Since I’m still very much so in the midst of California-vacationin’, here’s a sneak peek of the awesomeness that has been this week. For starters, I attended a wicked beautiful wedding of some college pals. The venue was on a gorgeous Southern California bluff overlooking the ocean where I kinda want to have my next wedding. (Take notes, Peej. If you’re lucky, it’ll be to you.)  There was

Don’t Mind If I Do.

Jared and P.J. were there, too. (See what I did there? I do? Get it- weddings? Ah HAH. Marriage humor.) So Peej and I have just returned from Napa and the glorious wedding of our two pals, Annie and Jared. Here are some summed-up highlights (for to give each terrific day the review it truly deserves would cause Blogger to wonder if they should charge me more): Our bed and breakfast, the Wine Way Inn, was RAD. We stayed in the {Read More}