Christmas Makes Us Crazy, Part 29.

Helping! So here’s a thing. Over this past weekend (when not putting out the blazing fire that was my toddler’s 104 degree forehead), I had a realization: People cannot wait to de-Christmas. Keeping in mind that the merchandising of the season starts roughly on September 1st…the actually acceptable Christmas Celebratory Decorative Period starts the day after Thanksgiving. That’s when it’s

See You Next Year!

Public Drinking And Abject Coveting. (Christmas!)

I hear you’re the guy what haz the toy access. Pay no mind to the baby,she’s just a baby. She’s not In The Know. This past Saturday was the annual event that pretty much tops all other Chicago events for me: The Christkindlmarket in the Daley Plaza. That’s right, the kitsch fest that contains every German ever to carve an ornament (and some of their Mexican and/or Ecuadorian compatriots with

We’ve Traveled So Far- Like, Really Far.

Pretty normal, right? This is the nativity set that my sister gave me. It’s quite nice. It’s also slightly supernatural. BECAUSE. Every time I set it up with everyone facing baby Jesus (which generally only happens once in a season- I’m rarely in there playing with them and talking for each guy like miniature Weebles)… every time I set it up and leave the room… I come back to find this

Trees And Panic And Church. And Drinking.

“I have no idea what’s happening!”- Suzy I’ve been feeling very behind, rather frantic, and Not. In. The. Holiday. Spirit. At. All. And as ads (and Facebook) have been reminding me…there’s only a few short weeks left to get it all done. And this made me panic. Until I realized that it’s December 3rd. THIRD. Not twenty-third. This is actually the official start to the Christmas season.

A Super-Short Smattering…

…Of my favorite Christmas photos, possibly ever. (A.k.a. Suzy Gets Flung Around And Kissed, Nora Sneaks Incredible Amounts Of Desserts, And My Dad Regrets Starting The “Night Before Christmas” Story Tradition Back In The ’80s.)

Santa Baby.

Oh Mom. Zuzu looks odd. Merriest of Christmases, everyone! Or rather, a superbly happy Boxing Day to you all. I love boxes, boxed lunches, boxty, the boxstep, and Oscar De La Hoya. Our Christmas Eve was spent at a church in the Berkshires that we don’t regularly attend, but which was quite nice, nonetheless. There were carols, there were lessons, there were snacks and books shared over the pews by miniature cousins, there were inopportunely timed ‘Amens’ from smallish blond {Read More}

Also "Lords A’Leaping." I Also Wish You That.

In light of the fact that I am currently traveling through Chicago’s luxurious Midway Airport, I’ll keep my Christmas greeting brief (yet full of love- and perhaps only a bit of pith): During this holiday season (and anytime else, really), I wish you cookies without slightly burned undersides, rendering the whole cookie kinda smoky… …And helpful people. Like mail carriers who remember to close the mailbox on rainy/snowy days. And toddlers who don’t remove their boots in public places. Like {Read More}