The Spooky Salon.

I was pulling together costume pieces (and sorting the copious piles of clean/dirty laundry), with my two miniature helpers- namely, half-dressed Orange Butterfly and fully dressed [pajama-outfitted] Brown Puppy. Nora announced that she wanted to play Jeremy (the dude who cut her hair, not the Pearl Jam song, sigh). I handed her a small pink comb and the water spray bottle, and opened Susannah’s closet with an armful of sweaters. I turned back not three seconds later to find- -A confused {Read More}

Glitter Ghosts, a.k.a. We Are Having FUN, Darnit!

This morning, the three of us decided to make some glitter ghosts. Now, I’m not inventing the wheel, here. It’s pretty awesomely basic. Glitter, construction paper, crayons, and contact paper (or packing tape for the- ahem- less prepared). I used to do this project with the kids I nannied and, basic as it is, if the kids have never seen this done before, you kinda feel like a wizard. STEP ONE: Make sure your baby is really, really crabby. Cutting {Read More}

Unsafe Driving Practices.

This year, Labor Day brought a picnic with some terrific neighbors and friends and- most importantly- the neighbor’s Barbie Jeep. This wonderful contraption allowed certain parents to drink Riesling while their children proceeded to shove each other out of [semi] moving vehicles.  Thank you, unions. Just checking the specs on the endline for the…rotary…girder… You got a jumper

‘Not Gonna Labor’ Day.

In honor of Labor Day, I’m gonna do what I do every Monday of a long weekend: Complain that we didn’t get as much done as I had wanted… And wonder why I completely lose my drive and energy as soon as there’s one more adult in the house. Don’t be like me. Enjoy this day to its fullest! Eat some ice cream. Stop and smell the flowers. And don’t even think about doing the

Patriotism Makes You Blurry.

Happy Fourth of July, everyone.

Happy Gals, A Melty Car, And A Double Stroller.

There are so many good pix from Memorial Day weekend that need their day in the sun. (The ridiculously hot sun.) Here are a few more: That’s rather warm for May. Random passersby wondered why I was snorting with laughter. Beach fail= backyard win. It wouldn’t be a weekend without a pic of smiling Zuzu. V takes a break from helping us unpack the new rooms to make a pal.

Tuesday Is No Longer The Weekend.

I am failing to understand why she is no longer in Chicago. Please pardon the fact that I did not post yesterday morning: I was having way too much of a weekend to be bothered with things like computers (and showers). My college bestie came to visit, and we proceeded to engage in activities that our 19 year-old selves would’ve popped eyeballs over. For instance, pushing a double stroller through a tree-lined neighborhood. Convincing a toddler to finish her corndog. Asking {Read More}

Easter Is A Full Contact Sport.

Those are some pretty special-looking eggs. I spent a good part of last week preparing for Easter with the girls (and Peej). We made paper Easter bunnies and plastered them to our front window. We braided traditional Armenian cheoreg biscuits to consume on Easter morning. Eggs were [carefully] dyed. We even unleashed the girls onto a wealthy neighborhood’s egg hunt. Everything was in place for a cinchy, relaxing, and nice Easter morning. Even though P.J. wanted to go to 8am {Read More}