Say it with clowns.

Way too big for love. It’s Valentine’s Day! That wonderful time of cellophane and glitter and overindulgence and tutus and sugar-crash naps. This year, I’ve included a pic of Nora’s valentine for everyone to see. First things first. You may be asking yourself why the card is so garishly big. Noted. And. Secondly, that is a grapefruit next to the valentine for size comparison. Here is what went down. I made a handful of normal-sized valentines for the usual crowd. Nothing crazy {Read More}

This was no ordinary unicorn…

Get to work. Maybe comb that hair. The other day I was asked- by more than one person- what I was “working on” these days. Writing, I replied. Real writing? They asked. Or just blogging? Which made me think. ‘Cause it’s true- what initially began as a creative outlet for my projects and an incentive to keep going has rapidly become the norm in terms of output. And it’s not like I don’t have a plethora of other thingies on which {Read More}

Anyone wanna play Clue?

I’ve been trying pretty hard to adhere to 10pm Bedtime Month- though it’s well into November. It’s been pretty tricky. For example: Did you know that most Evening Events start at 7pm? Sometimes 8? (Yeah, and some begin even later. They will not be delved into here, as I am no longer interested in your positively hooliganistic plans. If I can no longer place an order at The Taco Burrito King once your show/party/film has ended, then go ahead and {Read More}