Keely Is A Grubby Grub From Grubville.

I used to rock it. Sure, it was my wedding, but… This is getting to be a problem. Now, I enjoy a good pair of sweatpants as much as the next gal…but the time has come to kibosh. Sure, I had a baby five weeks ago and absolutely, whatever I wear WILL be covered in glitter and squashed blueberries by the end of the day…but that’s really no [long-term] excuse. I’ve gotten lazy. Not about the childcare, laundry, energetic toddler activities {Read More}

But Who Will Prepare My Latte?

Going A’Work. We have had non-stop staff here at Chez Schoeny. And it’s been great. Crazy and [slightly] hard to get used to [initially], but great. My Mom flew in the Sunday before Susannah’s birthday. She quickly set the kitchen to her order, all the better to stock the freezer with pans, Tupperwares, and Ziploc baggies full of our (okay, mostly mine- but Peej is NOT complaining) favorite foods. Also, there is no laundry hanging out anywhere in our bedrooms or {Read More}

Strangely, True Blood did not play into the dream AT ALL.

There was a fountain here a sec ago. Emma and Dan have left. Boo. However, we no longer have 8,000 glasses, cups, and mugs in/on the sink/ dishwasher/ countertops. (Flynn girls pride themselves on hydration.) No one is making me laugh like a loon by announcing “Hey, brotherrr” (a la Arrested Development) every time someone enters the room. But then again, no is giving me palpitations by making me wonder what train stop they’re taking home/if the alarm is properly {Read More}

You’re driving me to snack.

Not me. Or Mii.  My Wii Fit (Plus) and I need to talk. Actually, it may be better if someone else spoke to him. (Her? Probably “her.” No one condescends quite like a woman.) I decided to hop up on the ol’ Wii balance board yesterday- with Nora in tow. (Side note- try working out with a toddler if you ever want to really feel like you’re living the good life.) Right off the bat, the Wii’s all like- Oh {Read More}

Nora’s the coolest and her parents are the laziest.

You’ll have to excuse the tardiness of the blog today (cue Van Halen: I don’t feel tardy…) due to my inability to hold facts, dates, or appointments in my brain or on my phone. You know when a good time to remember when you’re working the next morning is not? The middle of the night. A good, cold shock of adrenaline really starts the week off correctly. Hence the stellar packing of All Things Nora and the less than ideal {Read More}

Aaand…by posting time it’s partly sunny.

Not to be all whiny about the weather…but seriously. What is up with this weather? Having lived in Chicago for 8.5 years (yeah, it was originally supposed to be for under a year), this should not surprise me. Chicago does not have a Spring. We have seven months of Winter, followed by a week of rain, then it is SUMMER. But each and every year I find myself surprised- nay, angered– by the lack of springtimeliness. Last week was a {Read More}

Ranty McRanterson

Okay. Listen. (And, incidentally, have you ever noticed how people only say “listen” when they’re sick and tired of doing so, themselves?) I’m tired of listening. The studies and articles about delusional parents and the improbability of parental happiness need to dwindle out, please. It’s getting really old. This study from, in a nutshell, set out to prove that the more miserable parents were with their daily stress/boredom/noise levels, the happier they pretended to be. Even this one from {Read More}

I call dibs on this weather.

Okay, the whole “dibs” thing really needs to end. Like a week ago. For those not in the greater Chicagoland area or not aware of the debilitating bonkertude that a day and change of snow can inflict, I am not speaking of those delicious chocolate covered ice cream wonders. Those are permitted. I am speaking, of course, about every single one of my neighbors and their household furniture. Holding parking spots. Ones that they’d shoveled. TWO WEEKS AGO. Sure, I {Read More}