21 Things “35 Me” Knows That “25 Me” Didn’t

Did you know that “35” is a milestone? (Did you know that my family has been living with a girl who has declared each birthday a milestone since she was roughly 4?) This is my first birthday without my Dad. And, I’m not gonna lie, it feels very strange. But birthdays are proof that the whole “aging and living” things works, and to do anything other than celebrate the passage of time seems entirely against the point, if not slightly {Read More}

5 Ways Blogging Ruins Your Children.

(Total disclaimer: The kids are all right. Pop culture has told me so.) 1) You’ve put on a movie so that you can write a killer post on how great it is to be a parent. (“Please let Mary Poppins do her job- Mother is waxing nostalgic.”) 2) Your children have begun to pause in the middle of an game and say “You’re gonna need a picture of this.” (Bonus points if they inform their little sister that she needs {Read More}

Superstition & Terrified Hitchhikers.

And now, for your Monday reading enjoyment, I present to you: The Keeliest Thing I’ve Ever Done. Our story starts on Thursday afternoon, right when the girls and I pulled into the garage after gymnastics class. As I parked, I thought I spied a grasshopper to the side of the car; as I opened the backseat doors to free my various children I affirmed that, yes, a cute little grasshopper was by one of the tires. However, by the time {Read More}

Five Reasons My Heart Feels Good Today.

Wearin’ our buttons for Pop! Socks, no. Buttons, yes. So maybe I missed the boat on the whole pre-Thanksgiving Giving Thanks thing…but I’ve compiled a nice little list of stuff that makes me exceptionally cheerful today. 5) My Dad is officially Dave: Unplugged. (From the wires and IVs and pokey things that make it hard to sleep.) Even though he’s still in the hospital, he’s now Mobile[ish]

Ten Rules For Owning An Ikea Candle.

We went to Ikea recently. Well, actually, P.J. did. He said that there wouldn’t be enough room for the girls’ car seats in the back if we wanted to get bookshelves, etc., and that someone would have to “stay home with the children.” Whatever. I think he was just trying to keep me out of my beloved Ikea.  He made it up to me by purchasing deliciously scented candles. These candles, however, came with a warning. A lot of warnings. Ten, in {Read More}

10 Ways Kids Are Like Ravers.

High on life and/or fruit leathers. Terrifyingly off-the-wall party or simply an afternoon hanging out with the kids? You be the judge: 10. There is definitely someone with an oral fixation next to you who keeps trying to eat your bracelet. 9. At least one person is completely naked for no discernible reason.  8. Someone is babbling about getting some food. Again. 7. There is a girl, standing alone, sobbing uncontrollably about nothing of consequence. (We will get you another lollipop!) {Read More}

Spring Fever Is Darn Near Killing Me.

It’d be great if you’d point thatcamera somewhere else, yeah? I may be the first person to actually be driven insane by spring fever. My normal state of being is fairly tightly wound. I’m cheerful and playful, but I’m also borderline OCD. (Undiagnosed, actually, so there’s a rather good chance they’d be all like- borderline? You are textbook. A neatly bound textbook, placed alphabetically and color-coordinatedly in a descending size row.) These orderly tendencies keep me firmly planted in the {Read More}

But What If I Forget The LIST?

Photo courtesy of Emi Clark.Doc’s color courtesy of Tide. Packing for the girls is always a big deal. I wish it weren’t. But the one time I pushed my borderline OCD tendencies aside and just, you know, threw stuff into a bag…No one had socks. Susannah didn’t have nearly enough diapers. And I actually packed one half of a baby monitor. (The part that lets you know what the kid is doing. Helpful, so long as you also have the part {Read More}