Dating My Five Year-Old.

Here’s the truth. I wasn’t feeling so marvelous this weekend, emotionally speaking, but I feel entirely 1000% like not talking about that right now. So I will tell you about the absolute high point of the past few days: having a date with my biggest kid.  Let’s back up. For Mother’s Day, I had received some pretty spiffy gift cards from my two oldest girls (and I use “oldest” as a relative term, as they’re 3 and 5). More truth time: my {Read More}

I Just Got My First Tattoo. (A Dad Story.)

Three days after my Dad died, I got a tattoo. My very first tattoo. Lemme back up: I had never- never- wanted a tattoo before. Even with the magnitude of incredible events I’ve been privy to in my 34 years (like, you know, creating THREE PEOPLE), there was never a symbol that I needed have on my body. Certainly not one dug into place by a whirring and rather sharp needle. (The fear trifecta, for those of you playing along at {Read More}

15 Months IS TOO A Milestone.

Today is my youngest kid’s 15 month-day. Which is totally a thing. Because- again- he’s my youngest kid. I love this little man and his braced stance, cautious smile, and general demeanor that’s pretty much summed up as “pleasantly surprised.” No one’s knocking me to the ground in a bear-hug attack! I am pleasantly surprised! Lunch was served to me at a decent lunch-ish hour (while others were actually eating, too)! I am pleasantly surprised! Daytime eye contact?! I AM {Read More}

The Perfect Partnership, Or- Outsmarting Your Wife.

Last Sunday, I was in a mood. A mood. I was feeling unproductive, irritable, and ready to crawl out of my own skin. P.J. took one look at me and casually remarked, “You should go organize the bookshelves.” I almost threw a plate at his head. Of all the sexist, demeaning, trivializing things to say, he’s telling me to go do prettifying busywork? In not so many words, I informed him that he had made a grave error in judgement. {Read More}

Hearts & Flowers & Glue-Covered Mice.

Usually around this time of year I’m all hearts n’ flowers n’ red cellophane. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still oh-so Valentinetastic, just maybe a little less vocal about it this February. Heavy hearts and lacy hearts look weird together. That said, I did make 34 Hershey kiss mice for the girls’ class Valentines. Considering that a) 34 IS A LARGE NUMBER OF PEOPLE TO GLUE THINGS FOR and b) I’m beyond terrified of rodents, I have to assume that {Read More}

Tapping Out. Again. (Sorta.)

Sometimes you go home- to your real, honest-to-gosh childhood home- and clean out spice cabinets and re-line silverware drawers with new paper. (Sometimes that makes your little neatnik heart way too soar-y.) Sometimes you sit with your Dad and watch bad television- a.k.a. incredible television- and eat wonderful food because it’s there and it’s a thing to do. And sometimes you do nothing. And that’s okay, too. And it isn’t, but sometimes it has to be. The world spins and {Read More}

Love, Snacks & Impressive Skills.

Here is what I know this week: I’m surrounded by exceptional people, always. The concepts of community and family aren’t limited to bloodlines or zip codes. Life is so fleeting, so beautiful, and so…much. Additionally, my son wants more graham crackers. This is another thing I know.   Because I’m focused so extra hard on my babiest of babies today (sorry, J), let’s go ahead and show his newest trick. (He might be the only person I’ve ever birthed who {Read More}

Sometimes A Picture Has To Do.

And then there are the days where you’re not feeling particularly humorous, or witty, or profound, or even weird- and, especially that last one, is when you know it’s time to say good enough is good enough- which, oh my God, your Dad would just effing hate– and post a picture you like. A picture you love, really. So here it is, a picture I love. My three favorite men in the entire world, all sitting around like the most important {Read More}