A Day In The Life Of A Suzy.

Have you ever read the book The One In The Middle Is The Green Kangaroo by Judy Blume? That’s my Susannah. Bizzybizzybizzy, fiercely independent, and desperately trying to find that thing that isn’t her big sister’s (but at times needs to be EXACTLY like her big sister’s) and absolutely isn’t her baby brother’s (although occasionally needing to have it be an eensy weensy bit babyesque). At two and a half, she’s hilarious, fearless, determined, and hopelessly sweet. We wouldn’t have her {Read More}

How To Scar Your Child: Cemetery Edition.

It’s probably a tad too early in my parenting career to feel like a complete failure…but regardless, here we are. The other morning, as we drove to gymnastics, Nora and Susannah spotted a cemetery which we’d passed nearly a billion times. However, on this particular introspective a.m., Zu pointed out her window and piped up- “What’s that, Mom?” “That’s a cemetery, sweets.” “What’s a cemetery?” (Hmm. How to explain, how to explain.) Disclaimer- my kids have (sadly) had way too much {Read More}

Sleep Training (Trains The Parents To Never Sleep Again).

There have been a lot of transitions lately: From a family with two kids to a family with three. From a kiddo in a crib to a kiddo in a toddler bed. From a newborn who clipped along at a steady pace to a baby with the need to nurse and/or say hi every fifteen minutes throughout the evening. And the transition from a relatively normal Mama to a drooling, hilariously exhausted one. So we implemented new stuff: new bedtime routines, {Read More}

Zu Gets A Big Kid Bed.

As of this morning, 2 out of 3 [of my] kids are sleeping in Biggie Beds. (We define “biggie” rather loosely here. In layman’s terms, we took off a crib side. BOOM. Welcome to adulthood, pal!) Anyway, one of us was rather off-the-charts excited about it. Her big sister was pretty stoked as well. (And the little man could barely contain his joy/lunch, either.) And P.J.? Oh, nothing says I’ve Been Out With My Pals Until The Wee Hours AND It’s {Read More}

Diction Lessons With Zuzu.

Today’s phonetic lesson comes courtesy of Susannah, who helpfully elucidates how to pronounce that pesky word “squirt.” A.k.a. “kirt.” The more you know.

The Secret To Valentine’s Day.

I’ve had some pretty spectacular Valentine’s Days in the past. Romantic ones. Quiet ones. Ones where the evening cost way too much money, and others where it barely cost a dime. Thusly, I kinda consider myself an expert. And as such, I’ve figured out the perfect formula: Have more than one Valentine with whom to spend the day. I actually have four. They all celebrate with me in very different ways- although none of them particularly ascribe to the diamonds {Read More}

Wednesday Roundup! Also, A Colander Hat.

It’s Wednesday! Friday’s Valentine’s Day (yay!), and it’s still really cold (boo), although I’ve currently got a sweet-smelling newborn sleeping under my chin (yay!), but it’s also my Dad’s chemo day (boo). So- warm loving Cupid-shaped fuzzies, soft n’ fleecy things, snuggly squeezes, and nary a chemo side-effect to you [Dad]. On to the recap! On Thursday, I admitted that I might hafta hand off my Mother of the Year mug to someone more deserving. Over at Chicago Parent last {Read More}

Six Weeks: A Photo Comparison.

In honor of Jasper’s Six Weekiversary…(and because I’m frighteningly obsessed with my children’s faces) I decided to compare and contrast each kiddo’s head at around the same age. May I present to you: Nora. Roughly six weeks old. Not thrilled about it. Susannah. Roughly six weeks old. Thrilled about everything. (Although questioning her Mom’s Hipstamatic habit.) Jasper. Roughly six weeks old. Cheerfully resigned to it all. In conclusion…our kids have alarmingly chubby cheeks and reaaaally big eyes. Other than that, I think {Read More}