A Case Of The Mondays.

Due to Birthday Month, Halloween week, classroom parties galore, a snowstorm on Trick or Treat, a few minor cases of the sniffles, Daylight Savings Time, and the hotly argued arrival of the Halloween Witch*(?!) who came and took the rest of the household candy, this is the atmosphere ’round my home this fine Monday morning. Happy Monday morning, everyone. *P.J. completely made up the concept of the Halloween Witch**, who removes candy from the homes of smallish children who repeatedly {Read More}

Swimming Like Champs. Or At Least Better Than Me.

This wraps up the two-fer posts I’ve written on behalf of Goldfish Swim School and their terrific programs for the smallest pollywogs among you. Nora and Susannah swam for free- but all thoughts and opinions and pruney fingers are our own.  *** Well, we did it. The gals completed their first-ever In An Actual Swim Facility lessons…and I’m proud to announce that they’re both champion divers, not to mention serious contenders for the Under-5 freestyle record. Or. They’re competent and {Read More}

Fun With The Internet: Painting My Kids Edition.

I know for a fact that my kids are biologically my own. I was there. However. Every now and again I have a hard time remembering that fact, especially since the biggie and the little little look so much like their Dad. (Phewf, amiright?) But that middle little? That smallish blonde kid with the wispy duckling hair and the ice-blue eyes that just scream I’m a Flynn, even moreso than my mama? Sometimes it’s tough to see where- coloring aside- {Read More}

Zu’s Zoo Birthday At Little Beans Cafe.

Thanks again to Little Beans Cafe for hosting Susannah’s 3rd birthday party. While the event was largely complimentary, all thoughts, opinions, and over-sugared little children are my own.  *** It’s official. Zu has been Birthdayed with the best of them, and my now three year-old Big Kid might just sleep for days. We had a beyond good time at Little Beans Cafe in Chicago- and if I had loved this business beforehand, now I’m downright smitten. Because the party-throwin’ aspect? {Read More}

Three Years Of The Zu.

Dear Suzy Zuzu Zooey Mae, On Saturday morning (at 8:42am), you will be three years old. THREE. This probably wasn’t as shocking for you to realize as it was for me, because you’ve been doing your darnedest to convince everyone you were three for roughly two years now. You’ve come a long way from being the peaceful newborn with the shock of white-blonde curls mistakenly being carted down to the NICU (with your sleep-deprived father in backwards pajama pants careening {Read More}

Zu Is Having A Zoo (Party).

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post on behalf of Little Beans Cafe. I was provided a complimentary semi-private party for my secondborn’s birthday, but am not being otherwise compensated. That said, I’d probably still gush about them this effusively because a) I’m a proud brand ambassador and b) I’m downright in love with this place. Carry on. *** If you’ve been a reader of the blog for a while- or if you happen to be one of the people I’ve {Read More}

Susannah’s First Day. An Apology.

The other morning- Tuesday, to be exact- Susannah started preschool. Now, as you’ll recall from the gazillion and twenty posts I wrote (and read) leading up to Nora’s first day of preschool back in 2012- I think preschool’s a really big deal (for the parents). Itty bitty Nora and I had chosen multiple outfits and talked her imminent daily routine to death before her first TWO AND A HALF HOURS away from me (for the very first time, ever). You {Read More}

Swimming For Realsies At Goldfish Swim School.

Disclaimer: As an ambassador for Goldfish Swim School, I’m oh-so happy to regale you with the gals’ experiences for all things aquatic…and give you the down low on this snazzy joint. While our lessons have been comped, I receive no other compensation and my opinions are super strictly my own. But you probably already knew that.  *** I am good at many things. I am really, really bad at so, so, so many more things. Like, abysmally bad. Embarrassingly bad. {Read More}