Giving Thanks, Taking Naps.

This Thanksgiving, I’d like to join the hordes of people in your feed being all grateful. Because I’m thankful for oh-so many things: Like girls (and lovies) who are best friends. More help in the kitchen than I could ever imagine. Days filled with creativity and silliness. Naptimes that look like this. (Even for me, sometimes!) A husband who makes my girlish heart swoon. Cats who no longer claw at my feet in their slumber. Work I love. Friends far-flung {Read More}

Seeing Sporting Events In Tiny Little Spurts.

On Labor Day, we took the girls to a Cubs game (Susannah’s first, Nora’s second) and had a terrific time. Even though- due to the ol’ law of If You Need To Be Somewhere, Your Kids Will Nap For Seven Hours- we only managed to see a few innings.  Still terrific.  Because there was a train ride with Ohmygoodness I CAN SEE OUT THIS WINDOW views of [a different part of] the city. And, after the girls figured out that {Read More}

Uncle Fe! Cape Cod! More Excessive Eating!

You guys. Not only did I have a fantastic time with the fam in Cape Cod this past week (demolishing lobster rolls/ napping on the beach/ getting swept out to sea with my Mom/ playing high-stakes board games until midnight/ teaching my daughters how to properly pick up hermit crabs without accidentally ripping off their claws/ demolishing more lobster rolls) but I also got to hang out with THIS guy: That’s right, people, I saw Uncle Fe. (Here’s my recent post about {Read More}

Cape Cod, AKA What Blog Addiction?

Yeah. So. I know I said I’d seeya all in a week…but I just love these pix and think they’re the wundiest. (I’ve taken over 400 so far. So that’s saying something.) Taken moments before Susannah walked directly out into the ocean, wearing all of her clothes. Dad/Uncle Peej does storytime. (Who’s the wiggleworm on the far left?) Nora loves Baby Garrett. LOVES. So much. A lot. Cheer up, Zu. Try some, Zu. Sitting in a cove with one of my favorite {Read More}

Cold Cereal Would’ve Been Faster.

We were approaching hour six of the drive home yesterday- right around dinnertime. The girls had been good. SO good. They’d napped, read, played, and watched individual media like champions. I had also been good. (SO good.) I’d written and filed and emailed and kept my passenger seat comments to a minimum. (Hush up, P.J., I did. Ponder THAT.) So when we hit the city limits, Peej suggested we stop and pick up dinner to make that aspect of mealtime {Read More}

Cancer And I Need To Have Words.

So listen, I’m super duper sick of writing about cancer. Because it sucks and it’s awful and it’s evil and I want it to stop affecting my loved ones (and their loved ones). But I’m gonna need to go ahead and ask for some more of those Hey Internet, Let’s Beat Cancer vibes. Because my Uncle Felix- an extremely good friend of my family’s and my sister Rachel’s godfather- was just stricken with cancer. And it’s bad. Like, wicked, wicked, {Read More}

My Family’s Ridiculously Close Call At The Boston Marathon.

This is not my story. It’s my family’s story. My family was in Boston on Marathon Monday. My entire side of the family. My marathoner sister Rachel- who raised over 11k in honor of my Dad for Dana Farber- my parents, my sister Emily, Rachel’s best friend Barry, my sister Kate, her husband Tom, and their three little boys Quinn, Cole, and Declan. I wasn’t there. I was at Disneyland. (More on that bizarre juxtaposition later.) When the first bomb {Read More}

Norman Rockwell It Ain’t.

Happy Easter!Love, The Confused Todder (Awake Since 1:45am)The Jellybean Thief (Vibrating With Sugar In The Background)The Crab Apple Gal (Pondering A 4th Cup Of Coffee)And The Determined Guy (Having A Magical Day, DARN IT.)