See you in shiny, sparkly 2016!

Oh, friends. It’s been a year. A loud year, a quietly sad year, a tense/angry/anxious year, and a year full of such profoundly beautiful moments that they took my breath away in gratitude. Back in the day (like, as recently as 2014), my biggest New Year’s resolution was to drink more water. Because, like, I had everything else completely figured out. Hahahahahaha, 2014-and-earlier-Keely. You optimistic, dehydrated fool. This year, I’m wishing for the ability to set boundaries when I need them, {Read More}

Chicago holiday events and an app-happy giveaway!

Happy third Wednesday in my borderline linear holiday event and giveaway series! Settle in, folks; there’s a lot of stuff you need to know about this week. (Disclaimer: Some of these products and events are given to me for review purposes, but most are things I just really, really like talking about.) Tallyho! Places to go: It’s no secret that the Morton Arboretum is one of the coolest places, ever. Ready to wow your kids (or, you know, your legitimately {Read More}

On the second day of holiday events & giveaways…

Welcome to the Four Non-Linear Days of Fun Events and Giveaways and Yes, Even Some Alcohol Too, Day Two! No, I still haven’t chosen a better name. So, a Chicagoland Santa visit is in the works, friends? You can’t put too much thought into this. If it’s not the right Santa- a really good Santa- your child will most likely be traumatized forever. (Don’t confuse that with your child crying in the photo. Because that most likely will happen anyhow. {Read More}

Upcoming holiday events and giveaway, DAY ONE!

Two weeks later, I’m happy to report…that I’m simply awful at taking a two-week blogging absence. (I even started thinking in quips and copy. It’s a sickness, I tell you.) However, I’m stoked to announce that there is SO MUCH AWESOMENESS to do and win and see for this upcoming season. Some stuff is Chicago-y type goodness, and some is nation-wide joy. (Today is entirely Chicago-centric, friends.) I’m gonna go ahead and call this series The Four Non-Linear Days of {Read More}