I tried to quit social media for Lent. It’s…a work in progress.

For Lent this year, I gave up excessive social media and internet time. In all honesty, I think I had been looking for a bit of an online detox, and since Lent is generally encouraged to be a season of self-reflection and sacrifice, the added layer of piety made it even more appealing. Besides, when you tell people you’re going to quit social media, they look at you like you’re embarking on something really, really cool. (So much for piety.) {Read More}

Distracted, disconnected & more than a little disgusted.

I am so distracted. (I am SO distracted.) After writing that sentence I stared off into the middle distance for, well, I didn’t look at the time because I was thinking about pizza- but I’m sure it was longer than either the staring or the pizza thoughts warranted. Anyway. I am distracted. This post was originally going to be a grab bag of thoughts regarding social media rabbit holes and the constant noise of Awful Things…but it’s not that. Not {Read More}