Time and focus and getting involved.

Let’s talk “time.” So, I say this about once a month, but I really need to focus. Working from home- and for multiple publications- it’s way too easy to field emails as they come in, work on articles in 10-minute bursts, and generally make yourself available ’round the clock. Which, unsurprisingly, results in sub-par work, sub-par parenting, sub-par sense of self (nothing is EVER actually finished!), and sub-par…everything else. I’ve decided to actually- for realsies- keep “office hours” this summer, {Read More}

Being present (and ditching the phone again)

Sometimes the universe helps me to be more present with my children. Sometimes it manifests in the form of things I’ve already signed on to do. Like, volunteering in my youngest’s preschool. Now, we go to a co-op for many reasons; it’s a wonderful family environment, my closest friends are in that community, it’s ridic cheap… But part n’ parcel with that lower cost comes the expectation that families will volunteer at least once a month. For the whole class. {Read More}

Phone addictions and you. (But mostly me.)

I have a confession about my phone. I am one thousand percent addicted to my phone. And not in a cutesy, “shopping is my LIFE” way. No. I am unable to function without my iPhone. I’ve recently had a chance to find out how [sadly] true this is. You know how everyone’s buzzing about Apple intentionally throttling their “older” models of phone? (And we’re talking 6S, people, not the iPhone 2 from 2007. I got my 6S late in 2016. It {Read More}